Buy Links: AMAZON UK AMAZON CANADA AMAZON AUSTRALIA KOBO Plus, if you haven’t tried the Stone Warriors yet, this is your chance to give them a try. The e-book of DAMIAN the first first book of the series, is on sale on all the same platforms, for a limited time, for only $0.99. You can find more details and buy links for NICODEMUS and all the other Stone Warriors HERE! PS The audiobook for NICODEMUS will be coming soon! Hope you had a great weekend and that you took a moment to remember the many brave men and women who died to protect our freedom. Stay safe out there. xoxo DBR

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Release Date: May 31, 2021 Available for pre-order NOW! ————- It was a time when gods walked the earth, when armies fought not for bits of land, but for the very existence of humanity. On such a battlefield, five formidable warriors stood against an evil greater than any the earth had ever seen. But evil is not an honorable foe. Betrayed by someone they trusted, the warriors were cursed, one by one, tossed into the maelstrom of time, imprisoned in stone, their freedom resting on nearly impossible conditions. Alone of the five, their leader, the sorcerer Nicodemus, was left free. His curse? To know that his fellow warriors remained trapped forever out of his reach, condemned to an eternity of searching for their stone prisons and the keys to their freedom. Nicodemus stood on the battlefield, magic a storm of

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Just a quick note…

This was pretty much the view from my house this past weekend. An arsonist decided on Saturday that it would be fun to burn down some houses and send a few neighborhoods into evacuation. Fortunately, we have great firefighters, and equally great air support. No one was injured except the arsonist. (hah!) Three separate fixed-wing aircraft spent Monday morning (5/17) dumping fire retardant along the fire front, so all evac orders were lifted that evening. It’s the price for living in one of the most peaceful and lovely places in the world. Eddie and I remained safe during the entire event, though it was adding insult to the year-long lockdown! But we’re back to routine already, with her sleeping on my lap as I work. Such a sweet kitty. I don’t know what I’d have done without her this past

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I’m sorry for the long silence. I’ve actually been working hard on Antônio’s book, doing lots of research. I visited Portugal not too long ago. In fact, it was part of my last trip to Europe before the pandemic shut the world down. But Antônio is vampire old, which means lots of history that’s well before the dates of my real-life visit. So…research. Not my favorite part of the process, but it must be done. I’m writing, too, of course. I’m not spending all my time in the dusty halls of history. But it’s early going in the writing process, which means I’m still learning and refining my characters as I go. I do love Antônio, who’s the one character I know well. He’s a complicated guy, though, because that’s always been the kind of man I’m attracted to. Brilliant

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Revisions on Nick’s book (NICODEMUS) were finished a couple weeks ago and sent to my editor. I’ve been pretty much sleeping since then. I keep saying it’s a big book, by which I mean it’s long. Much longer than any previous book in the series. But it’s the final book in the series, and there was a lot of story to tell. I don’t have a release date yet, but should have one soon. There are still some editing passes left, but they go much faster, and don’t affect the release date. My job now is to find the perfect cover image for Nick. He’s nearly as tough to match as Raphael…nearly. JABRIL’s e-book is on sale, March 1-15, 2021, on all the usual e-retailers. Only $0.99 for the e-book, a price that won’t roll around again soon. So what

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This is me, checking in from back in the cave. I’m hiding out for revisions this time. They’re almost finished, and I’ll be sending it back to my very patient editor this week. It’s a BIG book, people!! It takes a while to get through all the changes. But I think you’re going to love this last book of my Stone Warriors saga, and especially finally getting to read Nick’s story. And here’s a tiny, tiny snippet, just for you. —————- Several layers of wrapping later, including a final swathing of cheesecloth—which seemed an odd choice—Nico lifted the lid, and found even more cheesecloth crushed into balls that filled every empty space in the package, as if to guard against breakage. He frowned, no longer able to guess at what it might contain. He uncovered four smaller packages, identically sized,

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Buy Links: AMAZON UK AMAZON CANADA AMAZON AUSTRALIA KOBO Plus, if you haven’t tried the Stone Warriors yet, this is your chance to give them a try. The e-book of DAMIAN the first first book of the series, is on sale on all the same platforms, for a limited time, for only $0.99. You can find more details and buy links for NICODEMUS and all the other Stone Warriors HERE! PS The audiobook for NICODEMUS will be coming soon! Hope you had a great weekend and that you took a moment to remember the many brave men and women who died to protect our freedom. Stay safe out there. xoxo DBR

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Release Date: May 31, 2021 Available for pre-order NOW! ————- It was a time when gods walked the earth, when armies fought not for bits of land, but for the very existence of humanity. On such a battlefield, five formidable warriors stood against an evil greater than any the earth had ever seen. But evil is not an honorable foe. Betrayed by someone they trusted, the warriors were cursed, one by one, tossed into the maelstrom of time, imprisoned in stone, their freedom resting on nearly impossible conditions. Alone of the five, their leader, the sorcerer Nicodemus, was left free. His curse? To know that his fellow warriors remained trapped forever out of his reach, condemned to an eternity of searching for their stone prisons and the keys to their freedom. Nicodemus stood on the battlefield, magic a storm of

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Just a quick note…

This was pretty much the view from my house this past weekend. An arsonist decided on Saturday that it would be fun to burn down some houses and send a few neighborhoods into evacuation. Fortunately, we have great firefighters, and equally great air support. No one was injured except the arsonist. (hah!) Three separate fixed-wing aircraft spent Monday morning (5/17) dumping fire retardant along the fire front, so all evac orders were lifted that evening. It’s the price for living in one of the most peaceful and lovely places in the world. Eddie and I remained safe during the entire event, though it was adding insult to the year-long lockdown! But we’re back to routine already, with her sleeping on my lap as I work. Such a sweet kitty. I don’t know what I’d have done without her this past

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I’m sorry for the long silence. I’ve actually been working hard on Antônio’s book, doing lots of research. I visited Portugal not too long ago. In fact, it was part of my last trip to Europe before the pandemic shut the world down. But Antônio is vampire old, which means lots of history that’s well before the dates of my real-life visit. So…research. Not my favorite part of the process, but it must be done. I’m writing, too, of course. I’m not spending all my time in the dusty halls of history. But it’s early going in the writing process, which means I’m still learning and refining my characters as I go. I do love Antônio, who’s the one character I know well. He’s a complicated guy, though, because that’s always been the kind of man I’m attracted to. Brilliant

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Revisions on Nick’s book (NICODEMUS) were finished a couple weeks ago and sent to my editor. I’ve been pretty much sleeping since then. I keep saying it’s a big book, by which I mean it’s long. Much longer than any previous book in the series. But it’s the final book in the series, and there was a lot of story to tell. I don’t have a release date yet, but should have one soon. There are still some editing passes left, but they go much faster, and don’t affect the release date. My job now is to find the perfect cover image for Nick. He’s nearly as tough to match as Raphael…nearly. JABRIL’s e-book is on sale, March 1-15, 2021, on all the usual e-retailers. Only $0.99 for the e-book, a price that won’t roll around again soon. So what

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This is me, checking in from back in the cave. I’m hiding out for revisions this time. They’re almost finished, and I’ll be sending it back to my very patient editor this week. It’s a BIG book, people!! It takes a while to get through all the changes. But I think you’re going to love this last book of my Stone Warriors saga, and especially finally getting to read Nick’s story. And here’s a tiny, tiny snippet, just for you. —————- Several layers of wrapping later, including a final swathing of cheesecloth—which seemed an odd choice—Nico lifted the lid, and found even more cheesecloth crushed into balls that filled every empty space in the package, as if to guard against breakage. He frowned, no longer able to guess at what it might contain. He uncovered four smaller packages, identically sized,

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