. . . . . . . . . . . . You did it! Both CHRISTIAN and SHIFTER PLANET made it into the voting round for The Romance Review’s Readers’ Choice Awards – Summer 2016. Thank you to all of my readers who made this possible. But now the final voting begins, so I need your support one more time. You can CAST YOUR VOTES HERE! for both books. You do have to be registered on the TRR site to vote. The RT Booklovers Convention is almost upon us. I’ve heard from several readers who will be meeting me there, but if there’s anyone who hasn’t emailed me yet, time is running out! I have several signing events, but I’m putting together special swag bags for my loyal readers. Email me at either dbreynoldswriter@live.com or dbreynoldswriter@gmail.com. Use the subject

I hope everyone who celebrates it had a lovely Easter. Spring has definitely sprung, at least here in Southern California. On the other hand, up in Ottawa, my editor and friends were without power for more than 24 hours because of an ice storm. Weird weather year. It’s unbelievable, but it’s very nearly April, and that means the RT Booklovers Convention in Las Vegas is nearly upon us. I have three signing events scheduled, starting Thursday morning with “First Base With an Author,” and then Club RT on Friday afternoon, and the Giant Book Fair on Saturday. The Giant Book Fair, in particular, is open to the public, so even if you’re not registered for the convention, you can still come by and say “hi” or get a book signed. There are a lot of really great authors who will

I finally updated my 2016 GoodReads Challenge. They’re not showing percentages this year (???) but I did the math and with 35 books read, I’m just a little bit behind. No surprise there, since I’ve been spending all of my time writing like crazy this year. I posted last week that CHRISTIAN and SHIFTER PLANET both needed votes for The Romance Reviews Readers Choice Awards. I’m happy to say that they BOTH got the votes they needed, and lots more. I want to thank all of my readers who voted! You all are the best! When I started writing a long time ago, I decided I should join the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America (SFWA.) That’s when I discovered one doesn’t simply join SFWA, one actually has to be a published author! I’ve been writing like crazy since

Both CHRISTIAN and SHIFTER PLANET are in the nomination round for TRR’s Reader’s Choice Awards, Summer 2016. I need 50 nomination votes on each book to move to the next round. So, if you loved the books, I’d really love it if you could follow the links below and vote for both ….. CHRISTIAN and SHIFTER PLANET About that binge watching … yep, I finished the revisions on DAMIAN and will send it off to my editor later today, after a final review for spell check, chapter numbers, and making sure my notes aren’t still stuck in weird places! I have to say, though, that I’m pretty excited about sharing his story with you. I don’t want to share HIM, but I’ll share his story. 😀 And now that’s done, I’ll take a few days off to binge watch my

Yep, still working, but soooo close now. The DH is still not quite himself, so I’m spending more time with him. Doctors’ appointments, of course, but also watching movies when he can’t sleep, going down to the beach and enjoying the sun and scenery from with the protection of our big SUV. I love my SUV, even though I know I shouldn’t. 😉 I’ve also been getting ready for the RT Booklovers Convention— inventorying swag, ordering some shiny new items. I’ll talk more about RT as it gets closer. There’s still a lot of time and work between me and Las Vegas. 😀 Here’s something new. An unofficial “teaser” graphic. And to kick it off, here’s an unofficial teaser from DAMIAN. This scene hasn’t been strictly edited yet, so it might vary slightly from what ends up in the book.

I did warn you. I’ve been working on DAMIAN revisions most of the week with COMPELLED dropping in to say “hello” once in a while. This was my life this week. Revisions on DAMIAN, line edit on COMPELLED, revisions on DAMIAN, copy edit on COMPELLED, revisions on DAMIAN . . . which is where I’ll stay now until it’s done. And that brings us to release date news . . . It now looks like COMPELLED (the next Cyn & Raphael e-novella) will be out in late April, and I should have a definite date soon. DAMIAN is still scheduled for May, but that’s all I know for sure. In other news, the DH has been under the weather this week, so we enjoyed a classic, lazy Sunday afternoon, kicking back and watching a good movie. Or at least an

. . . . . . . . . . . . You did it! Both CHRISTIAN and SHIFTER PLANET made it into the voting round for The Romance Review’s Readers’ Choice Awards – Summer 2016. Thank you to all of my readers who made this possible. But now the final voting begins, so I need your support one more time. You can CAST YOUR VOTES HERE! for both books. You do have to be registered on the TRR site to vote. The RT Booklovers Convention is almost upon us. I’ve heard from several readers who will be meeting me there, but if there’s anyone who hasn’t emailed me yet, time is running out! I have several signing events, but I’m putting together special swag bags for my loyal readers. Email me at either dbreynoldswriter@live.com or dbreynoldswriter@gmail.com. Use the subject

I hope everyone who celebrates it had a lovely Easter. Spring has definitely sprung, at least here in Southern California. On the other hand, up in Ottawa, my editor and friends were without power for more than 24 hours because of an ice storm. Weird weather year. It’s unbelievable, but it’s very nearly April, and that means the RT Booklovers Convention in Las Vegas is nearly upon us. I have three signing events scheduled, starting Thursday morning with “First Base With an Author,” and then Club RT on Friday afternoon, and the Giant Book Fair on Saturday. The Giant Book Fair, in particular, is open to the public, so even if you’re not registered for the convention, you can still come by and say “hi” or get a book signed. There are a lot of really great authors who will

I finally updated my 2016 GoodReads Challenge. They’re not showing percentages this year (???) but I did the math and with 35 books read, I’m just a little bit behind. No surprise there, since I’ve been spending all of my time writing like crazy this year. I posted last week that CHRISTIAN and SHIFTER PLANET both needed votes for The Romance Reviews Readers Choice Awards. I’m happy to say that they BOTH got the votes they needed, and lots more. I want to thank all of my readers who voted! You all are the best! When I started writing a long time ago, I decided I should join the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America (SFWA.) That’s when I discovered one doesn’t simply join SFWA, one actually has to be a published author! I’ve been writing like crazy since

Both CHRISTIAN and SHIFTER PLANET are in the nomination round for TRR’s Reader’s Choice Awards, Summer 2016. I need 50 nomination votes on each book to move to the next round. So, if you loved the books, I’d really love it if you could follow the links below and vote for both ….. CHRISTIAN and SHIFTER PLANET About that binge watching … yep, I finished the revisions on DAMIAN and will send it off to my editor later today, after a final review for spell check, chapter numbers, and making sure my notes aren’t still stuck in weird places! I have to say, though, that I’m pretty excited about sharing his story with you. I don’t want to share HIM, but I’ll share his story. 😀 And now that’s done, I’ll take a few days off to binge watch my

Yep, still working, but soooo close now. The DH is still not quite himself, so I’m spending more time with him. Doctors’ appointments, of course, but also watching movies when he can’t sleep, going down to the beach and enjoying the sun and scenery from with the protection of our big SUV. I love my SUV, even though I know I shouldn’t. 😉 I’ve also been getting ready for the RT Booklovers Convention— inventorying swag, ordering some shiny new items. I’ll talk more about RT as it gets closer. There’s still a lot of time and work between me and Las Vegas. 😀 Here’s something new. An unofficial “teaser” graphic. And to kick it off, here’s an unofficial teaser from DAMIAN. This scene hasn’t been strictly edited yet, so it might vary slightly from what ends up in the book.

I did warn you. I’ve been working on DAMIAN revisions most of the week with COMPELLED dropping in to say “hello” once in a while. This was my life this week. Revisions on DAMIAN, line edit on COMPELLED, revisions on DAMIAN, copy edit on COMPELLED, revisions on DAMIAN . . . which is where I’ll stay now until it’s done. And that brings us to release date news . . . It now looks like COMPELLED (the next Cyn & Raphael e-novella) will be out in late April, and I should have a definite date soon. DAMIAN is still scheduled for May, but that’s all I know for sure. In other news, the DH has been under the weather this week, so we enjoyed a classic, lazy Sunday afternoon, kicking back and watching a good movie. Or at least an