You did it! Both CHRISTIAN and SHIFTER PLANET made it into the voting round for The Romance Review’s Readers’ Choice Awards – Summer 2016. Thank you to all of my readers who made this possible. But now the final voting begins, so I need your support one more time. You can CAST YOUR VOTES HERE! for both books. You do have to be registered on the TRR site to vote.
The RT Booklovers Convention is almost upon us. I’ve heard from several readers who will be meeting me there, but if there’s anyone who hasn’t emailed me yet, time is running out! I have several signing events, but I’m putting together special swag bags for my loyal readers. Email me at either dbreynoldswriter@live.com or dbreynoldswriter@gmail.com. Use the subject line RTCon, and let me know I’ll see you there!
On the audio front, I spent all last week listening to DUNCAN, and you all are going to love it! I heard from my publisher and Audible should have DUNCAN listed very soon. Oddly enough, Audible doesn’t advise us once it’s listed, so I’ll keep checking. Usually, though, it’s one of my readers who finds the books first. On the writing front, I’m now spending my nights with LUCIFER. Yep, the next Vampires in America-Vampire Wars book has begun, and I have to say Lucifer deserves his name! But he’s a lover, too, and a bit of a romantic. My kind of guy … a bad boy with a romantic streak.
And so I’m going back to Lucifer now. Have a great week, and for those of you currently enjoying (or not) Winter in April, stay warm and safe.