I’ve been writing writing writing this week, making excellent progress on ALLIANCE. After losing an entire month, I was a bit stressed about my deadline, but the story is flowing now, so I’m feeling good.
And when I’m not writing, I’ve been getting ready for RT … getting my house in order so life as we know it doesn’t collapse while I’m gone. But also putting my books together, gathering bookmarks and stickers, and giveaway stuff. I even have a few vampire rubber duckies that I’ll be bringing along to sign.
I’ll post updates to FB and Twitter, while I’m gone. Maybe a picture or two. I have friends who will be there, friends I rarely see because we live so far away. And a few of my readers have already let me know they’ll be at the Giant Book Fair on Saturday, so I’m very excited about that. And I’ll have a few fan girl moments, because some of my favorite authors are going to be there!
The weather forecast is for thunder, lightning and rain. Sheesh. Guess I’ll be staying in the hotel. Let’s just hope my flights aren’t delayed. But if you read about some woman who popped the emergency exit, because she refused to spend hours waiting in a plane on the tarmac … that’ll probably be me. 🙂
See you all next week with tales of RT and future blog appearances.