The DECEPTION bookmarks and stickers are here. The bookmark front is DECEPTION, and the back is all three novellas. The sticker, as always, is the cover. All three images are posted below, and directions for requesting all of my freebies CAN BE FOUND HERE.

coffeethoughtsI’ll be blogging at COFFEE TIME ROMANCE this Wednesday (May 6.) I’ll be answering questions all day, and there will be a Rafflecopter e-book giveaway, so stop by and say “hi.”

writer at work blackAnd the rest of my week? Writing, writing, writing. I lost almost the entire month of April, so I’m working like crazy to catch up. Especially since I’ll be going to the RT Booklovers Convention in Dallas, May 13-16. So, if you’re going to be in Dallas, please come by and visit. I’ll be at Club RT at 2:00 pm on Thursday, and I’ll be at the big Book Fair on Saturday, plus I’ll be having fun at all the events and panels and parties. Yay!

And now … back to work.

See you at COFFEE TIME ROMANCE on Wednesday, and back here next week.


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