Another 5 Star Review for LUCIFER!
“All-in-all another fantastic addition to Vampires in America and a MUST read for fans of the series. I absolutely love this series and can’t wait for more!!”
Swept Away by Romance
All of my holiday giveaways are winding down.
1. The winner of my big holiday giveaway ($25 Amazon Card + Book) has been notified and now has five days to respond. After which, I’ll select a new winner.
2. The winner of my December giveaway already has her prize (an e-book of LUCIFER.)
3. The 12 days of Christmas giveaway is closed; the winner has responded and will receive her prize shortly. The prize there was a $25 Amazon gift card + book.)
But don’t despair, there’s a fresh giveaway starting at on January 18th for Valentine’s Day, and it will run through February 8th. I’m hoping to have a special present of my own for my wonderful readers on Valentine’s Day, because romance is what my guys (and gals) are all about.
I did slip out to the movies one afternoon this week, and saw Passengers, with the adorable Chris Pratt and Jennifer Lawrence. I didn’t expect that much, but the showtimes were right for my escape, so I went for it. But I ended up really liking it! If you have a chance, I’d recommend it.
In the meantime, I’m working hard on Kato, Stone Warriors Book Two. The first draft is very nearly done, and my OCD tendencies mean that my first drafts are awfully damn clean. I’m having a great time with Kato and Grace, and hope you’ll like them, too. I’m well-motivated to finish this, because I’m holding on to Kit Rocha’s BEYOND SURRENDER, the final book in their terrific Beyond Series—it’s going to be my reward for finishing Kato’s first draft!
Which means back to work for me … It’s raining again this morning. We’re having lots of rain here in Southern California lately (actually all over the West Coast.) Last year they warned us how wet it was going to be, and we got one big storm, and then poof! Nothing. This year they predicted it would be a dry winter, and we’re having weeks of rain. No complaints, though. I love the rain, so do my plants, and so does my drought-stricken state!
Happy New Year, and I’ll see you back here next week.