Kind of a weird, sad weekend. Lots of TV and Internet coverage of 9/11, which made me very sad. Add to that the fires in Texas with all those homes destroyed — something I can relate to, living where I do in one of L.A.’s coastal canyons. We’ve been evacuated twice for fires in the many years we’ve lived here, and waited through a lot more fires than that. It’s a terrible thing. But then you think about 9/11, and all those lives lost, both on the day and in the wars that followed, and you realize the only thing that really matters is that everyone gets out safely. Most things can always be replaced, people can’t.

Okay, enough sad talk. Let’s talk about DUNCAN. I’ve been working with the artist this week and we’re very close to a cover. I’m excited to see the final product. I’m also working on the back cover blurb! Once my publisher okays it, I can put that up, too. None of it’s quite ready yet, but soon!

In the meantime, my vampires have received some very nice reviews this week! Joyfully Reviewed posted a review of JABRIL and then I discovered they’ve actually posted reviews of all my books, which was nice!

Soulswallo at Reading the Paranormal reviewed JABRIL, too. Another good review!

Overall, these reviews make for a very happy author. And that’s good, because I’m getting ready to start some serious writing! Although, I’m still obsessed with Buffy reruns! I’m up to Season 4 – Angel has gone off to L.A. (and his own show – LOL), Buffy’s in college (filmed at my alma mater UCLA – go Bruins!) and Wesley and Cordelia have exchanged the most awkward kiss in history! Cool. Riley (cute enough, but no Angel) has made his appearance and Faith’s in a coma. The good thing is that at about this point in the original airing of the series, I missed many of the episodes, so I’m hoping for a few I’ve never seen before!

I’ve updated my What I’m Reading Now with a couple of books, including the latest by Nalini Singh, Archangel’s Blade. Great book – the best in the series, so far, IMO. Dmitri is far sexier than Raphael (the archangel, not MY Raphael!)

Hmm, okay, they’re advertising the perfect meatloaf pan on TV – some pretty gross looking meatloaf. 😀

Speaking of ads, there’s a button down and on the right for Night Owl Reviews’ Halloween Hunt. It’s a bit of a scavenger hunt (remember those?) with lots of cool prizes. You can get all the details HERE.

All right, that’s it for me this week. Hopefully by next week I’ll have something more definitive on DUNCAN’s cover and blurb. Sweet!

Have a great week and see you all then!


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