I’ll keep this short, because I know you all want to move on to the new Vignette!

No cover for DUNCAN yet, though I’m hopeful it will be soon. A new review of RAJMUND at
The Romance Reviews. A good one, so I”m happy.

I’ve been reading lots of books, but couldn’t recommend any until this week when I finally read a couple I enjoyed enough to post. I’ll be updating my What I’m Reading Now later tonight, if you’re interested.

My Buffy rerun fixation continues. Angel has come back from a few centuries of torment in Hell, and may I say that a half-naked Angel straining at his chains is a sight to see. ::sigh::

Okay, that’s it for this week. Happy Labor Day to my readers in the U.S. and Happy Vignette to you all.

See you next week!


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