Vincent Final dot fix - sized for blogAs I’ve mentioned previously, Vincent has a big role in Christian’s story/Alliance, so my publisher’s decided to put the e-version of VINCENT on sale for only $.99, for a VERY limited time only. So, this is your chance. It’s available on all of the Amazons,, and Kobo, all the usual e-retailers. But again for a LIMITED TIME ONLY! Grab it while you can.

Wes CravenI was so sad to read that Wes Craven, the man who brought us Nightmare on Elm Street and Scream, two of our most iconic horror film series, has died. I’m sorry we won’t get to discover where he would have taken us next. R.I.P.

Man From UNCLEIt’s been really, really hot here this week. Usually our nights cool down, but not this week. It’s been hot and still, with our AC running 24 hours/day. So the DH and I headed off to the theater to see Man from U.N.C.L.E. We both loved it. I’m not sure how well it will do, since it’s set in the Cold War 1960’s, before even personal computers, much less cell phones, etc. But I will say that I don’t usually like retro stuff (like not AT ALL) but even I loved this movie! Lots of trademark Guy Ritchie action and snarky dialogue, plus Henry Cavill and Armie Hammer. Yum.
And, finally, as long as we’re talking Christian’s story, and since the story is now all through with revisions except for minor edits, and proofreading stuff, here’s the promised teaser … a little touch of Christian and Natalie. Enjoy.
He bent over and kissed the cheeks of her ass, biting gently. “Do you want me to stop?” he asked, while he was privately begging her to say “no.” The gods must have heard his prayers, because she shook her head, which caused her ass to wiggle and did nothing for his self-control.
Nearly groaning in relief, he gripped her hips and flipped her over. Natalie cried out in surprise, but then smiled, spreading her thighs, and lifting her hips off the bed in welcome. He moved between her legs, letting his cock settle in the slick heat of her pussy, but he didn’t enter her yet. He was going to teach his angel all the ways he could make her feel wonderful.
He lowered his head to the curve of her neck, nibbling and sucking hard enough to leave his mark on her. He licked away the small pain, then continued over the delicate curve of her jaw, kissing her eyes closed, brushing his lips over her mouth, before licking his way downward. His teeth closed over her collarbone, and he was struck by how fragile it was, so breakable. All of her was like that. It made him want to lock her in his basement and never let her out. He growled softly, but then Natalie’s fingers moved through his hair, digging into his scalp, and he was reminded that she was strong, too.
He transferred his attention to her breasts—beautiful and round, with large nipples that begged to be sucked. He took one in his mouth and did just that, closing his teeth over it until she moaned hungrily, her hips lifting off the bed to brush against his cock. He groaned and flexed his hips to coat himself in her wetness, as he switched his mouth to her other breast. But this time Natalie’s fingers lingered in his hair, holding on tightly enough that it hurt as she pulled him against her chest, forcing him to continue worshiping her breasts.
The pain from her grip was a jolt of lust straight to his already hard cock, and he wondered how much more he could take. He’d wanted to pleasure her, to make her come with nothing but his mouth and his fingers before finally fucking her until she shattered around him. But his Natalie was no ethereal creature. She was a woman who knew what she wanted, and demanded it. He grinned against her breast, delighted at her responsiveness. But she needed to learn that he was
always in charge.
I’ll be back next Monday with a replay of that Vignette everyone’s been asking about. If you don’t know which one, then you must not have been asking! 😉
Have a good week!

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