Happy Labor Day!

Labor Day 2015This is Labor Day Weekend in the U.S., the last long weekend and unofficial end of summer. Summer doesn’t mean much to me, since I don’t have any kids in school. And besides, it’s not my favorite season. I’m a cool weather person. Although, here in Southern California, our hottest days start late and extend into October. As the desk sergeant told Cyn, this is actually the best time of year around here.
On the hazards of texting while walking …
IMG_0047This is my knee. It’s not usually this color. For perspective, I took this picture while sitting, so my kneecap is in the bottom of the image, just overlapping the bruise. I was in a crosswalk on the private road of a huge condo complex where a family gathering was being held, and paying more attention to my phone than where I was walking. Well, it turns out there were speed humps IN THE CROSSWALK!!! WTF?? Anyway, my foot hit a hump and I went flying. My nine year old niece was walking behind me and came rushing over with this worried look on her face to give me a big, comforting hug. So that made it better. Although, the DH took one look at my knee and winced. Yeah, me, too.
On the writing front, I’m waiting for covers on the two books I have in the works—one is, of course, the next Vampires in America book, Alliance, which is Christian’s story, and the other is my special project which is a full-length Shifter romance. I still don’t have the okay from the publisher to promo that one (::sigh::) but I’m hoping soon. And in the meantime, I’ve started writing the next Cyn & Raphael novella (which is actually, a Cyn, Raphael & Nick novella) and right after that I’ll be working on the first book of Nick’s spin-off series. The series is called The Stone Warriors, for reasons which will be obvious with the first book. I’m so excited about this!
Other than that, I spent the week catching up on stuff, including the damn 2014 taxes, which I finally finished. I need to do a final review, then they’re off to our accountant with good riddance.
I did take a few days this week to catch up on my reading, including MAGIC SHIFTS Ilona Andrews’ latest Kate Daniels story, and ARCHANGEL’S ENIGMA Nalini Singh’s latest Guild Hunter story—two great books, which I really enjoyed. My TBR pile is still huge, of course. And I need to update my GoodReads Challenge. I have a ton of books to add.
But my few days of vacation are over, and it’s once again all about me sitting in my comfy chair in the wee hours and writing. It’s a tough job, but someone’s got to do it! 😀
Hope most of you here in the U.S. got to enjoy the long weekend, and I’ll see all of you back here next week, hopefully with some more news on forthcoming titles!

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