The Cave is dark and warm. I’m here with all of my favorite people, most of them vampires. We sleep all day and write all night. Or at least I do. My characters just sit around and kibbitz. We’re having fun, though, and we never have to change out of our comfy clothes. 😀
Oh, and my Girl Scout cookies finally arrived! Yay! A friend was talking about putting Talenti gelato between two Thin Mints to form very special ice cream sandwiches! I can finally try that out. Did I mention that there’s ice cream and cookies in the cave?
Another productive week, lots of adventures with Vincent and Lana, plus I checked a major item off my to-do list, which gives me even more time to spend with them. And I watched a movie this week, HOMEFRONT with Jason Statham, one of my favorite action heroes! Other than the fairly unbelievable idea that a former undercover DEA agent would keep his old credentials in a cardboard file box in the unsecured storage area under his front porch, which has latticework walls and is pretty much accessible to everyone … it’s a fun and exciting movie with Statham as a dad defending his little girl against murderous drug dealers. James Franco is great as a small time meth dealer who wants to go big, and Kate Bosworth is almost unidentifiable as his redneck addict of a sister.
On the small screen, the networks did it to me AGAIN! A newly discovered and favorite show THE GLADES was cancelled, but they didn’t bother to wrap up the series, or even leave it in a reasonable way. I worked in the industry, so I know why this happens. By the time these decisions are made, the season is already completely shot and the actors are doing other things. But it’s SO frustrating for the viewers. Apparently, though, there’s not a decision yet on INTELLIGENCE (Josh Holloway,) so I hold out hope.
I also went back to my 2014 Book Challenge with Patricia Briggs’s Night Broken, the latest Mercy Thompson (now Mercy Thompson Hauptman) book, which was really good. We get to meet Adam’s ex, Christy, a world-class manipulator of pretty much everyone except Mercy, and a very few of the wolves. She also HATES Mercy and does everything she can to try and supplant her in Adam’s affections. As if. Good book. And now I’m reading the latest Kristen Ashley book in her Colorado Mountain series, Kaleidoscope. I’ve also updated my GoodReads Challenge page (at last!) and I’m 14 books behind schedule. Yikes.
Okay, it’s time to get back to cave with Vincent and Lana. See you all here next week.