Vignette #5 is up this week, a change of pace with Raj and Sarah. It continues their story beyond the end of their book. I wrote it because Raj’s book ended up about 20K words shorter than what I wrote. Some of it I posted on the blog as deleted scenes, but not all of it was that simple. As I said last week, I’ve always felt Raj was a bit misunderstood, so I wrote this Vignette to explore the next step in Raj and Sarah’s relationship. We’ll be seeing their wedding in a future Vignette, not sure which number yet. But, for now, here’s Vampire Vignette #5, featuring Raj and Sarah.

Next week will be a brand new Vignette, the last one until after DUNCAN’s story makes its debut in December.

Several people have asked about the previous Vignettes again this week. Unfortunately, because of copyright issues, I can’t post more than one Vignette at a time. But I’ve had so many questions about it over the years, that I’m looking into the possibility of publishing all of the existing Vignettes, plus some new ones, in an anthology. It will probably be early next year before I get it all together, but I am exploring it.

A new review of RAPHAEL came out this week at Reading the Paranormal. I love it that I’m five books in and new readers (and reviewers) are just discovering RAPHAEL and my Vampires in America.

Apart from writing the new Vignette, exploring future stories, and working on revisions for the blog … I’m still on my Buffy rerun kick. David Boreanaz was such a hunk. Well, okay, he still is, but he’s just so damn sexy in Buffy. And now Spike has made his appearance and I’m reminded why I’ve always loved the bad boys best. And, of course, all of my guys are the baddest boys of all!

Whoa, John Ritter just appeared. No spoilers, but don’t eat the cookies! 😀

Okay, I’ve got to turn off Buffy and get some work done before I sleep, so that’s it for me this week. Remember, next week, a brand new Vignette. See you then!


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