Veterans Day 2013Today is Veteran’s Day in the U.S., a day we pay tribute to all of those who put their lives on the line, sometimes far from home, so the rest of us can sit in Starbuck’s and complain about sugar-free syrup. It’s for those who made the ultimate sacrifice, dying to protect what they believed in, but also for the millions who did their duty and then returned home and went about their lives, and to those still serving all around the world today. My dad, my mom and my husband all served in the U.S. Army, and I have friends in harm’s way as I write this. I never take lightly their sacrifice, and I look forward to the day they will all be home again, safe and sound.

Kate Space Eat Cake for H bdayToday is also my god-daughter’s birthday, and I happen to know she reads this blog. When she was little, I’d feed her so much chocolate that she’d be sick (her mom was not amused.) But now she just wants Kate Spade. So, Happy Birthday, Heath!

archangels legion with shadowOkay, this one’s a mea culpa. Nalini Singh and Ilona Andrews are two of my all-time favorite writers, two of the best writers in urban fantasy today, and I’ve read all of their books, old and new. But that doesn’t excuse me screwing up and attributing Archangel’s Legion to Ilona Andrews. I am officially embarrassed. Archangel’s Legion is definitely written by the lovely and talented Nalini Singh, and it is brilliant. Singh’s writing is so beautiful, the world she’s created so intricate, and the emotion, especially between Raphael and Elena so genuine, it makes me wish I hadn’t read the book, so I could start it fresh all over again. And now comes the long wait until next year for Shield of Winter, the next Psy-Changeling book, a series I love even more than Guild Hunter.

I was way busy this week. The copy edit went in on ADEN, and I’m busy preparing promotional materials while I wait for the galley proof (squeeee!) It’s going to be an exciting roll-out, all kinds of giveaways. And then there’s NaNoWriMo which, as usual, is consuming whatever time is left. Oh, yes, and don’t forget the DH who still expects to have a wife during this busy month! So unreasonable! 😉

I did still steal enough time to watch the latest episode of Grimm. This series just keeps getting better. I didn’t much like David Giuntoli (Nick Burkhardt aka the Grimm) after watching the pilot on this show, but I have to say he’s really grown into the role and made it his. He’s great, and so are Russell Hornsby (Hank), Sasha Roiz (Lt. Renard), and especially Silas Weir Mitchell (Monroe). Juliette, I could still live without. Bleah.

I was too too busy by far to catch any movies, although I am dying to see Thor 2. DYING! I may steal away some afternoon this coming week if I can catch up on my NaNo words. Thor2


All right, enough crushing on Thor. I’m behind on my NaNo words, thanks to too much time spent yesterday on other important but not NaNo projects. I promised myself I’d do 4000 words today to make up for it, and I can still make it if I start writing NOW!

So that’s it. Have a great week, and I’ll see you back here next week, hopefully with more news of our favorite new Lord of the Midwest! ADEN Final Final Hi Rez Full Size


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