And no, there is nothing, not one single thing, about Aden that is short and sweet. 😉

Nope, short and sweet means this is one of my fly-by posts, because I’m in the midst of the galley proof for ADEN! (squeeeee!) ADEN Final Final Hi Rez Full Size ADEN should hit Amazon around November 30th. Maybe a day or two before, but I don’t expect it to be any later than that. The minute I know anything, I will post it here and on Facebook and Twitter, so watch the skies. About pre-orders … I always get asked this question. Amazon only offers pre-orders for books from the small number of major publishers. So, no pre-orders on my Vampire books.

How many books … I get asked this question a lot, too. The original series was for 8 books. ADEN is #7. VINCENT will be #8, and no, you haven’t met Vincent yet. As usual, you’ll get a glimpse of Vincent at the very end of ADEN. More books? I anticipate writing 5 books beyond the original 8. Those of you (all of you?) who’ve read the books and novellas so far know that war is brewing between the North American and European vamps, and that will be the next story arc. The first of the books under the new arc will be a full-length Cyn and Raphael. Sweet!

Other books? I have a couple of irons in the fire, but these things take time. As soon as I know something, you’ll know something … but don’t hold your breath in the meantime. Publishing is a slow business!

Movies … I’m sad to report that I STILL haven’t seen Thor 2. ::sob:: Maybe this week as my reward for completing the page proof on time … me, Thor and some Junior Mints in a dark theater together.Thor2Small Screen … I’m still loving Grimm this season. I also watched the pilot episode of Almost Human, and I’m liking it a lot so far.

Books I’m reading … when not proofing my own book, I’ve been relaxing with the final Rock Chick books by Kristen Ashley. I’m on the last book now, Ally and Ren, and I’m gonna’ miss all of the Rock Chicks and Hot Bunch guys when I’m finished. ::sigh:: You can read my reviews of Ashley’s Rock Chicks on my GoodReads page, beginning with Rock Chick, Book #1, HERE.

And that’s it, because I’m guessing you’d rather have me getting ADEN out on time, than writing more witty (cough, cough) blog posts.

See you all next week, when I promise an update on ADEN giveaway happenings and ADEN, too. 🙂


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