Did you miss me? I went a little deeper into the cave than usual to finish XAVIER. Since I’m still on lockdown—which is something of a cave existence itself—I disappeared deep into the story ’til the end. XAVIER did go to my editor. And now he’s back and I’m in revision mode, though I actually don’t mind revisions too much.
Even in the depths of the cave, the giveaway has continued. Every Sunday, I’ve pulled a winner and sent out their prize. Of course, we all thought the quarantine—with all of us stuck at home—was going to end, but now with the latest surge in infections, we’re heading right back into lockdown. So the “stuck-at-home” giveaway goes on…at least until I finish XAVIER’s revisions.
So what did I do last week, as I waited for my editor to get back to me? I watched Professor T which is a Belgian TV series featuring an unusual Professor of Criminology and how he helps the local police solve various crimes. It has subtitles, naturally, which means you can’t do anything else while watching. Unless you happen to speak Belgian, which honestly was half the fun of watching the show. The Kingdom of Belgium has three official languages–Dutch, German, and French. And they seem to merge all of them into a single language, with a bit of English thrown in. It was fun, but then…I’m weird.
LUCAS’s e-book is on sale this month. Only $.99 until July 15, 2020. It’s a great price for one of my favorite Vampire Lords.
But now it’s back to work for me. No more getting sucked into TV/Movie series of any kind until XAVIER is once more in the hands of my editor.
Please be safe out there, and wear a mask! It’s the most basic protection you can offer to all the people you love, and to the strangers you pass in the grocery aisle, too.