I was very, very happy this week to receive a new review of RAPHAEL from VAMPIRE ROMANCE BOOKS! They like me. They really like me. Or at least they like Raphael and the gang . . . which is just fine with me.

I also have an essay up on the SAVVY AUTHORS Den Blog. This one’s a writerly essay about outlining in preparation for NaNo. If you’re planning on joining us as we descend into madness, you might want to check it out.

SOPHIA is all but ready for her close up with my editor on November 1. A tweak here and there and the story is told. Scenes for DUNCAN and the unnamed Book Six are already popping into my head, but they’re rapidly being crowded out by my NaNo project which will be a sword and sorcery fantasy for teens. I’ll have to remind myself … no sex!! LOL

I’m also jotting notes for a new Vampire Vignette. I haven’t decided whom it will feature, but I’m thinking Raj and Sarah deserve some face time. We’ll see which story wins out.

In the meantime, there’s still time to visit PARANORMAL HAVEN for their Halloween at the Haven. There’s my INTERVIEW WITH RAPHAEL, of course, but there are also tons of other giveaways and more coming up before Halloween.

Okay, it’s late here (and when I say late, you know it’s really LATE!) And it’s raining, too. So, I’m taking a good book with me and going to my bed, which is nicely pre-warmed, courtesy of my darling husband.

Have a great week!


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