Another NaNoWriMo has begun ….

I almost forgot today was Sunday. Or rather early Monday morning, since that’s when I always post here. I was so focused on starting NaNo this morning, that the day of the week didn’t even register. Combine that with Halloween and the brain was fairly preoccupied today.

I’ve actually been working this week on a schedule for another rerun of my Vampire Vignettes, ending with a whole new story just in time for the holidays. I receive e-mails all the time from readers who read the books after the Vignettes got started and so missed out on the early ones, or sometimes on all of them completely. I’m still working out the timetable, but I’ll probably begin the reruns later this month and post a whole new story for New Year’s, since the very first Vignette was New Year’s Eve story. It doesn’t feel like an entire year has passed. Wow.

I still haven’t settled on a story theme yet, although I’m leaning toward Rajmund and Sarah this time around. Especially since Raphael and Cyn are featured prominently in Sophia’s story. If you all have any thoughts on the matter, I’d love to hear them, since the stories are for you, after all.

In case you’re wondering, SOPHIA has been sent off to my publisher (and to the artist, too — I can hardly wait!!) Duncan’s story is making more and more noise in my head, but he’ll just have to percolate a bit longer because this month is for NaNo and a brand new, never before tried, writing exercise by yours truly. I’m venturing into the world of teens. We’ll see how that works. :-/

Speaking of which, it’s 1:46 a.m., which means NaNo has well and truly started and I’ve got to make my words for the day!! Yay!!! I’m off ……

See you next week!


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