Yep. I have completed the first draft of LUCAS! Squeeee! Time to begin my revisions, but those won’t take long. My first drafts aren’t very firsty. (heh, heh) And I confirmed with my publisher that LUCAS will be out in the Fall, with the very first Cyn/Raphael e-novella maybe even showing up in late Summer. Yay!
But back to LUCAS, baby! And a tiny taste of my darling vampire. This little bit is from the very first time Lucas and Kathryn meet.
She shifted her gaze deliberately to the photographs on the wall next to the fireplace, then stood and walked over to examine them more closely.
“These are beautiful,” she said, moving from one to the next. “Ireland, isn’t it?”
“Eire we call her,” Lucas murmured directly into her ear.
Kathryn’s heart slammed against her ribs. He’d somehow come out from behind his desk and walked over to stand right behind her without her being aware of it. He stood now, looking over her shoulder. He was so close she could smell the spicy scent of his skin, could feel the warmth of his breath on her cheek. She had to fight the urge to reach for her gun as she turned her head and found herself looking directly into his strange golden eyes.
He smiled, a bare upward tilt of his lips. He knew he’d startled her, and he took pleasure in it. Kathryn wanted to step away, wanted to ball up her fist and slug his beautiful, smug face. But she couldn’t do it. She could only stare and try to breathe.
If she doesn’t want him, I’ll take him! Alas, Kathryn sees the error of her ways … eventually.
Hmm, okay, what else happened this week? Well, for one, my good friend and writing partner Steve McHugh released his first book at last! He’s been teasing us for a while, but CRIMES AGAINST MAGIC is now available at Amazon! This is a fantastic Fantasy/Adventure story that blends mythology with the modern world. I recommend it highly!
The television report … Grimm is getting better, while Once Upon A Time has nearly lost me. Pinocchio? Bleah. And Regina trying to seduce David? I was embarassed for her! Game of Thrones? You know, I read those books. Granted, it was a long time ago, because that’s when they were released, and I didn’t read the latest one, because I didn’t feel like going back and re-reading the ones I’d read 5 or 6 years ago, BUT … I don’t remember some of this stuff happening. Geoffrey and his birthday present? The rats eating out the prisoners? I’m beginning to suspect Saturday Night Live was telling the truth about the show’s 13-year-old script advisor. 😀
Okay, back to work for me. I need to finish my revisions so I can pass LUCAS onto my writing partners, get their revisions done, then off to my publisher, who’ll give me more revisions. ::sigh:: And then I have to find the perfect cover image for LUCAS!
I know I’m forgetting something, but I’ll get to it next week. OMG it will be May!! Must. Word. Harder.
See you next Sunday!