KATO, Stone Warriors Book 2, is done! The first draft, that is, which is the hardest part. The story now goes to my editor and beta readers for feedback, and then the revisions and editing begin. The current publication date is May/June of this year, but I don’t have anything more specific than that. I’ll let you know as soon as I do.
Up next . . . SHIFTER PLANET 2! Yay! That book is already well underway. My main characters have already met and started on their adventure, which on Harp (aka Shifter Planet) is a dangerous thing. Rhodry and Amanda both play important roles in this book, and there will be a twist that none of you will be expecting. 😉 I’m excited to finish the story.
The DH and I watched ARRIVAL last night. I have to say I was reluctant to watch this one. It looked like the standard “Close Encounters” movie. But I was wrong. The story was completely unexpected and had me crying at the end! You should definitely watch it, if you get the chance.
Rain, rain, rain. This past storm was the biggest yet, with 67 mph wind gusts and 6 inches of rain in my neighborhood! The rain was blowing sideways, and our backyard flooded yet again. It’s raining more as I write this, although that’s supposed to be the end of this sequence of storms. They’re forecasting a few days of sunshine. We’ll all emerge like moles from our comfortable holes, with our eyes squinting against the strange light in the sky.
The good thing about rain . . . it’s conducive to hunkering down and getting some writing done. So, Shifter Planet 2, here I come!
Hope you all are enjoying some sunshine, too. Have a good week.