I’d like to be talking about HUNTED (okay, that’s hot, too) but right now, it’s the weather! Damn, it’s hot. And I am NOT a summer kind of girl. Our air conditioning is running 24/7, although I’m just glad we have it!
Speaking of HUNTED, however, there’s great news! The e-novella will release on July 15! Yay! I can hardly wait. I have lots of promo set up on this one with lots of giveaways, too. Most of them will be the second half of July, so I’ll wait until later to give you those dates. The first review and giveaway will be July 8 at La Deetea Reads, the blog of one of my earliest and most loyal reader/reviewers, Dot Salvagin. More details next Sunday.
I’m also participating in July Fever at Sofia Grey’s Blog. I won’t be there until July 31, but Sofia has a whole bunch of writers throughout the month with giveaways every day and every week.
A quick comment on the new season of TRUE BLOOD which is shaping up nicely. This new story arc seems much more rooted in mystery and drama, than the sometimes surreal story lines of the past. We’ve got a bad guy governor who’s out to get the vamps and the vamps are fighting back. Yeah, sure, Bill is still channeling Lilith, and he’s a real dick about it. But Eric is Eric again! Commanding and oh so sexy. Woohoo! The whole Warlow story angle with Sookie is almost an afterthought compared to the vampire drama.
This is a holiday week here in much of North America. Happy Canada Day (July 1) to my Canadian readers and friends, and Happy 4th of July to everyone in the U.S.
And finally on a somber note, please take a moment to remember the 19 brave firefighters who lost their lives in Arizona this weekend. It’s a truly devastating loss for their families, and for the entire firefighting community. These are the men and women who run into danger when everyone else is running away. Please hold them and their families in your thoughts in the aftermath of this truly heartbreaking loss.
Have a wonderful and safe week.