HUNTED is almost here. The official release date is now July 15, but I’m starting early. There will be a Q&A and Giveaway all day tomorrow over at LA DEETDA READS, which is the blog of Dot Salvagin, one of my earliest boosters, going back to her very first review of RAPHAEL.
I’ll be answering questions all day, and there will be a super giveaway of an autographed copy of the HUNTED Limited Edition print version. And when I say limited, I mean limited. My publisher ran off a very few print copies of this e-novella for promo purposes only, so you’ll want to get in on this giveaway. But don’t despair. I’ll be giving away a few more on my upcoming blog tour in late July, dates to follow.
I’m pretty excited about HUNTED’s looming debut, especially because it not only stars more of Cyn and Raphael, but because it introduces Aden for the first time. I can’t wait for you all to meet him.
In other news, I’m up to 73 in my 100 Books in a Year Challenge, and since it’s not even the end of July yet, I’m pretty sure I’ll make the cut. 🙂
This was a good week for writing. It’s still hot, hot, hot here in Southern California, so it’s nice to sit inside with the AC and write, either home in my comfy chair or at Starbuck’s or the bookstore. Although out in the world, I do sometimes get distracted by the odd people or adorable babies all around me!
I’ll be going to see some movies this week, haven’t decided exactly which ones yet. I really want to see Pacific Rim, but I’m not sure I want to deal with the opening day crowds of excited boys (of all ages.) I haven’t seen Superman or Fast and Furious 6, yet. Or World War Z … so I might go for one of those. So many beautiful men, so little time. 😀
And speaking of beautiful men, Eric Northman continues to be the most fascinating part of True Blood this season. I wish he still had the muscle bulk from Season 1, but he’s just so smooth. When she (no spoilers) asks if it’s going to hurt, and he says, “Not the way I do it.” Oh, yeah, I can believe that. <3 Okay, back to work. Don't forget to drop by LA DEETDA READS tomorrow. I’ll be there! And have a great week.