Christian Final CoverLet’s start with a great review from FRESH FICTION for CHRISTIAN.

“I’m really liking the direction the series seems to be heading. The stories are meatier, with lots of vamp politics and war mixed in with the love stories.” Fresh Fiction

And then the new bookmarks and stickers arrived! I love, love the back image on the bookmark. It’s the perfect Christian and Natalie, and so sexy!DBR_BKMK_2014_CHRISTIAN_FT_1a
DBR_BKMK_2014_CHRISTIAN_BACK_1DB_CHRISTIAN_2 Click on any of the images for my freebies page, which has all the information you need to request bookmarks, stickers or bookplates. 🙂

Vamp-Along 2015And then there’s the Vamp-Along, an event my publisher is running starting December 14. We’ll have lots of giveaways, including books (print and audio), and on 23 December my readers will get an early Christmas present … a very special scene with Christian and Natalie … and maybe someone else. 😉 Don’t read the story if you don’t want to know! The sign-up page for the Vamp-Along is HERE, and we’ll be adding a Facebook page later this week. I’ll have all of the latest info next week for the start of the event.

I’ve been writing like crazy this week, which is pretty much what I’ll be doing from now until February. The novella with Cyn and Raphael and Nick is finished, which means I’m working on the first book of Nick’s spin-off series–the Stone Warriors. I’m pretty excited about this, because I love these stories. You’ll get your Vampires in America fix first, though, because the Cyn/Raphael/Nick novella will be the next story released, and it’s the longest novella to date. And for those wondering about the SOPHIA teaser in the CHRISTIAN epilogue … that’s Vampires in America Book 11 (!!) which will release next Fall.

Hanukkah 2015 blog
Have a great week and Happy Hanukkah to everyone who celebrates! And now I’m going back to writing, because deadlines are looming!


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