First, my apologies to anyone waiting for a print copy of LUCIFER from one of my contests/giveaways. The mailings were delayed. My DH has been very sick lately, and he’s my first priority. I have someone coming in this week to help me get all of the books out, though. So help is on the way. Also, there’s still a LUCIFER e-book giveaway over on, with another set to begin next week.

lucas-hi-res-final-correctedIn the meantime, both winners from the LUCAS audio giveaway have verified their winning status, and have received their audio books. And for those asking about ADEN … yes, he’s next, and his audio book will soon be underway. 🙂

All of that combined means it was an uneventful week around our house. We watched a couple of movies, read some good books, and, for my part, worked on KATO. I admit I’m liking him more and more. As I’ve said before, I always fall in love with my heroes.

The DH is sleeping, so back to work for me.

Kiss the people you love, and I’ll see you next week.


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