4 Novellas mini_edited-2 I received word from my publisher that the PRINTED omnibus of the first four novellas is edited, proofed, and ready to go . . . except for the cover, which I expect to have soon, because the release date will be mid-August, and it should be available for pre-order before then. Yay!

Lucifer from Pinterest 2And, yes, one more Lucifer image. A couple of my readers asked why I can’t use any of these guys for my Lucifer cover. These are all images I’ve borrowed from Pinterest or other sites on the Internet. They’re not available for book covers. But don’t worry, I’ll find someone suitably beautiful for my Lucifer, too.

And speaking of Lucifer, I’ve spent all week with him once more, and things are definitely heating up. The Europeans are causing problems again, this time up in Canada, and on both sides of the continent. I’m getting close to the end, so there’s lots of vampire action going on, both in and out of bed. 🙂

Thanks to everyone who sent birthday wishes. If I have to get old, at least I know I can have a party doing it!

And finally, a moment of silence for all of the lives destroyed this week. Too many to count, from families in Nice to police officers in Baton Rouge and others all over the world. I grieve for them all. so very sad

Hug your loved ones.


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