Christian looking downI’m auditioning pictures for my Christian Duvall–dark blond hair, deep blue eyes, big guy, with raw strength. This is the first guy I’m thinking about. Can’t see his eyes, but the mood is right and the hair is right. Hmmmmmmm.

Lots of late nights this week, getting back into Christian’s head, and Natalie’s head, too. I’ve already written some crucial scenes out of sequence. They were so vivid in my mind, I had to get them down. And at least one of them gave me a much stronger sense of who Christian was, and what made him tick. Writing, writing, writing. 🙂
DECEPTION large for blogI have some giveaway news, too. I’ll be taking part in WOLFIES JUST WANNA HAVE FUN FB party on Tuesday, April 28 (this week.) My post will include an ebook giveaway, and I’ll be posting at 1:30 pm EDT ’til 2:00 pm, but you’ll have until the party is over at midnight Tuesday night to enter my giveaway.

coffeethoughtsI’ll also be blogging at COFFEE TIME ROMANCE on May 6, with a Rafflecopter giveaway, and in June, I’ll be doing something new … a Paranormal Road Trip to Haunted Malibu. I’m researching all the local legends/haunted houses now, to make sure I get it right. That one will include a giveaway, too.

BookloversAnd, of course, I’m getting ready for the 2015 RT Booklovers Convention in Dallas, TX.

No movies this week, just lots and lots of books. My brain wasn’t ready to read anyone’s new book, except my own, so instead I found myself re-reading Nalini Singh’s very excellent Psy-Changeling books. I’m up to Book #6, but I read Play of Passion (#9) out of order, because it’s one of my all-time favorite books, along with Slave to Sensation (#1) and Caressed by Ice (#3.)

I was also captured by re-runs of Anthony Bourdain’s cooking/travel show. Tony loves his food, and boy, can he drink! I love watching that show. Back in the day, the DH and I used to have dinner parties constantly, and our friends include a few professional chefs, which was a real challenge to my own culinary skills. They definitely give me a better appreciation of food.

Okay, back to writing ALLIANCE and my Christian–I’m not sure I want to share him, even with Natalie, darn it. But I suppose I’ll have to. 😀

Don’t forget to stop by WOLFIES FB PARTY on Tuesday. Hope to see you there.

And I’ll see everyone right back here next week … with maybe a new candidate image for my Christian. 😉


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