Yep,I’m back in the cave, but only for a short time, while I finish revisions on DRAGAN. A reminder: DRAGAN’s release has been pushed ’til January 2020. Publishers don’t like to release books in December—everyone’s too busy doing their holiday shopping. But I’ll be releasing a brand new Cyn & Raphael e-novella to make up for the wait.

Almost as soon as I finish DRAGAN, I’ll be heading to Dallas and the Fresh Fiction “Readers & ‘ritas” event, which I’m thrilled to share with some of my favorite authors. It’s looking to be a great event, lots of fun and great company, and I’ll be there to welcome you to my table with some super giveaways. You can buy tickets for the entire event HERE, and there’s also going to be a public signing at 5:00 pm on Saturday

IF YOU ARE PLANNING TO ATTEND EITHER THE EVENT OR THE PUBLIC SIGNING, please let me know if there’s a specific book you plan to purchase at the event to be signed. I won’t be bringing all my books–it’s just too many (thanks to all of you!) But I’ll be happy to bring specific books on request.

Wow, this has been a busy month. Paranormal sites/editors love Halloween for some reason. Hmmm. Anyway, you can TAKE A LOOK AT MY INTERVIEW, for which I did hair and makeup at 7:00 am in the morning. Which explains why I look half-asleep, especially before the interview starts. I’m not sure why I keep rolling my eyes, or where the hell I’m looking, but at least I sound reasonably intelligent. Oh, and you can see my beautiful new built-in bookshelf. Yay! I’m also doing a giveaway, which you can ENTER HERE!

And I think that’s it for now. I’ll have pictures of SHAMELESS next time, but for now, I’m turning off my wi-fi (not really) and going back to DRAGAN’s revisions. Have a great last few days of October and be SAFE on Halloween.


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