My publisher sent me a few download codes for JABRIL’s Audible Book this week, so you know what that means … I’m giving two of them away! No special requirements, just enter the Rafflecopter below.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
I updated my GOODREADS CHALLENGE at last. My challenge is 93% finished, and I’m 21 books ahead of schedule! And with NaNoWriMo coming, I’m going to need that cushion. For those of you who don’t know what NaNo is, it’s an annual madness during which a lot of writers (over 300,000 worldwide in 2013) set out to write 50,000 words in the month of November. I’ve done it every year since 2007. A couple of times I’ve missed, but most years I make my 50K. In fact, RAPHAEL was my 2007 manuscript. 🙂
Also, this week I’ve been busy writing posts and answering questions for the UNFORGIVEN blog tour. Here’s a couple of links to the places I’ve been.
The UNFORGIVEN blog tour rolls on this week and next, and then the VINCENT blog tour kicks off on Halloween Day (October 31) beginning with a brand new mini-short story for Paranormal Haven’s HALLOWEEN AT THE HAVEN. VINCENT’s blog tour will also include a cool giveaway.
And you know when happens the day after Halloween? VINCENT is coming!! Woohooo!
I’m back to work now, writing DECEPTION (Book 9) when I’m not writing more blog posts for the VINCENT blog tour. See you next week.