VINCENT is nearly here …

Vincent Final dot fix - sized for blogLess than five days ’til November 1st and VINCENT! Woohoo!

There are already a couple of early reviews in, too. Both 5-stars for VINCENT!
BookChickBook Chick Blog Reviews . . . Reynolds is really a master storyteller and has the ability to draw you into the story completely in only a few words.
Button Photo KT1KT Book Reviews . . . A sexy couple, mysteries, secrets revealed, and surprising revelations. What more could you ask for? I loved it.

The e-book will definitely pop at midnight on November 1st, with the print version appearing soon after. In the past, there’s been a slight lag between the e and print versions. I’m checking with my publisher to see if that will hold this time, since this is the first book with the new ImaJinn/Belle.

But you don’t have to wait that long for a fresh story from my Vampires. This Friday, the UNFORGIVEN blog tour winds down, and the VINCENT blog tour kicks off at Paranormal Haven’s HALLOWEEN AT THE HAVEN with a brand new short story.

Vincent Blog Tour GraphicThere will be interviews and guest posts and a super Rafflecopter giveaway.

And speaking of giveaways, the JABRIL audio giveaway ends tonight. You have until Midnight PST to get your entry in. a Rafflecopter giveaway

I’ll generate the winners and announce them on next week’s post.

And by that time …. VINCENT!



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