We have to start with UNFORGIVEN which released on Friday to great reviews. And now everyone seems ready for VINCENT.VINCENT is currently AVAILABLE FOR PREORDER in Kindle from Amazon, but he will be available in other digital formats and in print once he’s released.
Also, this week I got a surprise! JABRIL’s audio book released on 3 October, so it’s now AVAILABLE ON AMAZON. Also, my publisher tells me RAJMUND will be releasing in January 2015.
And then there’s RAPHAEL, who’s on sale for just $.99 at AMAZON and BN.com for a very, very limited time only.
With all of this fun stuff, I think I’ll wait ’til next week to update my Book Challenge and give my media report, including the new TV shows and the return of older shows. There’s some good stuff happening.
I also want to wish all of my readers and friends up in Canada a very Happy Thanksgiving. Lucky you, you get your turkey today! Although I like the mashed potatoes and gravy best. 🙂
Have a great week, everyone!