BITES FIGHTS is ON! And DUNCAN won its first bracket!! That is sooo cool! And it’s all thanks to you, my wonderful readers. Unfortunately, now DUNCAN’s up against Lynsay Sands. That’s some STEEP competition, although Sands only got four votes more than DUNCAN in the first round, so there’s DEFINITELY hope! Either way, I’m thrilled to have gotten this far! HERE’S THE LINK to the voting site. You click your choices on the listing that runs across the page, and then they show up in the bracket below.
More exciting news for anyone waiting for LUCAS … 😀 I’m halfway through my first draft revisions, which puts me on target for an on-time delivery, which means … well, I’ll wait until I’m sure, but the date looks good. And I’m spending my little bit of free time searching image libraries again. There’s got to be a Lucas out there somewhere.
On the entertainment front, I STILL haven’t managed to see The Avengers! I’m really hoping for this week, but the week just got more complicated, so we’ll see. For the small screen, Once Upon A Time aired its season finale last night — MINOR SPOILAGE — the black curse has been replaced by the purple curse? And exactly how is that different? I hope the next season isn’t simply going to be a replay of this season, but with a purple haze. GRIMM was really good, on the other hand. Very creepy at the beginning, although I wish they hadn’t given away the identity of the monster so quickly. It took away most, if not all, of the creep factor. Their season finale is this week, and it looks like Nick is going to have to share his deep, dark secret. Finally!! GAME OF THRONES … lots of dirt, snow and ice. And where the f#ck are the dire wolves? Where’s Jon Snow’s Ghost?? SPOILER: The burned bodies aren’t the Stark children. But does that mean that weasely Theon killed two innocents to make himself look good? Only two more eps there, so don’t look for any answers before next season. On the other hand … TRUE BLOOD starts up on June 10, although the trailer doesn’t resemble any of the books I’ve read. As long as it has Eric and Alcide, I can make do … me and my fast forwarding remote control. 🙂
On the even smaller screen … that would be my Kindle (heh,heh) … I’ve been catching up with Lynn Viehl, C.J.Box, and a new one for me, Richard Castle. Also, John Sandford has a new Prey book out this Tuesday (can you say “Pre-order with 1-click?) which makes me very happy.
A question for my readers … if one were to write a new Vignette early this summer, who might you prefer to see featured? I’m not promising anything, but I am taking suggestions!
Finally, don’t forget to drop in on Brenda Novak’s Annual Auction. There really is some tremendous stuff being offered, for readers and writers, both. And it’s all for charity.
LUCAS awaits, so I’m off to spend some quality time listening to his lovely Irish lilt. Hope everyone’s Mother’s Day was happy, and I’ll see you next week.