Well, vacation’s sort of over. I’m still hoping to manage a week on a warm beach with the DH before too long, but at least I was very productive this week. I’m back to staying up late nights and getting lots of writing done. I also managed to get things done in daylight, as odd as that may seem. 🙂 My office is officially back up and running, files in place, books back on (new) shelves, pictures on walls. Now for the closet. Groan. My husband’s closet was the first thing I did once we could move back into the Master Bedroom, because we all know how men can whine. LOL This week, though, I took advantage of our little flooding disaster to clean out my closet and give away clothes I haven’t worn in forever. I’ve been living for the last several months with a fraction of my wardrobe and very happy doing it. What does that tell you? I actually came across two pairs of shoes that I’d never worn even once! One of them I looked at and wondered what the hell I was thinking when I bought them. The other pair was just one more pair of black heels that I apparently didn’t need.
As for the writing, I’m working on a new story, a science fiction-romance with big cat shifters. I started this one a while back and won a couple of contests with the opening chapter, but I had to shelve it in order to meet other deadlines. I’ll finish it this month. Yay! I haven’t decided what I’ll do with it once it’s finished, but I’ll let you know when I do.
I’ve done lots of reading lately, too. I’ll update my 100 Books Challenge and GoodReads page in the next couple of days. On the movie front, the DH and I watched Olympus Has Fallen this weekend. I confused it with another movie and didn’t realize until it started that I’d already seen it. But the DH hadn’t, and I confess I enjoyed it a lot more this time around, so it was fun.
On the small screen there was True Blood’s season finale this week, but first, let’s talk about last week’s episode, which was probably the best episode of the entire season. SPOILERS! IF YOU HAVEN’T SEEN THESE EPISODES, DON’T READ THIS!! Okay, so last week … true, it was Bill who shared his blood with the vamps and gave them sunlight, but he couldn’t have done it without Eric who got there first, killed all the guards, and opened up the facility. My only disappointment was that Jason didn’t kill Sara Newlin, or better yet, that some vamp didn’t come by and do the job for him. Also, I thought Terry’s funeral was way long and dragged out for someone who was a fairly minor character.
And then there’s the Season Finale from this week, and my first, gut reaction is … WTF?? First, there’s the vampire sex fest on the front lawn–the producers of this show seem uncommonly fond of unattractive group sex. The scene between Sookie and Warlow was good, with Warlow showing his true colors and fairy Grandpa showing up to save the day. But that’s it. Everything after the “Six Months Later” card seemed like a bad dream sequence. Sookie and Alcide? Where did that come from? And the whole setup with vamps infected with Hep-V roaming the streets? Everything we saw before this was that vamps with Hep-V died quick, ugly deaths. So what’s up with that? And I thought the church scene and barbeque were disturbing, but then Tara’s mother decided to feed her and disturbing took on a whole new meaning. That was just fucking sick. And I have one more question … if Bon Temps is such a dangerous place, why don’t they leave? And then there’s the relationship between Violet and Jason, which is so uneven and so unfair. Jason is basically a nice guy, it bothers me. And finally … I don’t believe Eric is dead. We’ve seen how much damage old vampires can suffer and still recover. I think Pam’s going to show up and save him. The best part of the finale was the Imagine Dragons’ Radioactive playing over the end credits.
Okay, well, that’s this year’s True Blood. We’ll have to wait and see what happens, but I’m sure Eric will be back. 😉
In the meantime, I’m going to finish my Shifters in Space story, then move on to Werewolves and Demons, a Vignette or two, and then the next novella and the story of Vincent, the last of my eight vampire lords. I already know his story. I know what motivates him, and I know who his love interest is going to be. She’s tough, because she’ll need to be. And to answer a few questions I’ve gotten from readers … no, you haven’t seen Vincent before. You’ll get your first, very brief, glimpse of him at the end of ADEN.
A final shout out to the reader who saw my oldest sister in Santa Barbara and thought it was me. LOL People do say we look a lot alike.
See you all next week.