Okay, first of all, my e-reader devices seem to be in cahoots against me! First my Kindle starts getting temperamental, with the connection to my cover light going loose or something. In any event, if I don’t hold it just right, it doesn’t work. I thought it was the cover, but no, it’s the device. And then it froze up on me, but I rebooted, so okay. So far, so good. But then today, my Nook froze up, and none of the fixes would work. It’s still under warranty, so they’re sending me a new one, but that’s the second time this has happened to me with a Nook. Exact same thing! I’m beginning to think it’s me. But what really pissed me off is that I was in the middle of a really good book on my Nook. ::sigh:: So I downloaded Nook for iPad, and now I’m reading it there, which is not my first choice, but it’s okay. Fingers crossed.
You can check out my updated 100 book challenge above, which continues to go well despite the rebellion of my e-readers!
In other news, yes, I’m writing like mad. Aden has such an interesting back story! I’m having to do some research to keep him accurate, since this is an area and part of history I’m only vaguely familiar with. But that’s why I went to grad school, right? So I could properly research my vampire stories! I’m sure my professors would agree. This is also why I love the Internet. So much easier than card catalogs! (Yes, I’m old enough to remember card catalogs.)
But Aden’s not the only one with an interesting personal history. Turns out his love interest (I know what she looks like, but I don’t have her name yet) has a far more intriguing back story than I first planned. It came to me in the shower yesterday — I get some of my best ideas in the shower. I think it’s either because I’m NOT actively thinking about it, or because it’s the ONLY thing I’m thinking about, since I’m alone (generally) and no one bugs me (generally.)
Anyway, I’m loving their story so far, but it’s very early going. And you know what that means … Yes, I have to get back to writing! Deadlines!!
And now, Buffy’s on in the background and Aden awaits, so I’m off. Happy week to all of you, and I’ll see you back here next Sunday.

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