Yep, emerging from my writer cave once again to communicate with the outside world! 😀 I stayed up all last night, literally didn’t sleep. And I discovered two things … (1) I can’t write a big fight/battle scene when I’m really tired, and (2) I’m not in college anymore. That second observation has to do with age and the ability to stay up all night and still function the next day. LOL

I did manage to perk up in time for the Super Bowl. I know it’s a distinctly American thing, and many people in other countries don’t understand the game, but I love football! I didn’t even have a favorite team in this game, and I loved it anyway. Although that power outage right in the middle of the game was one for the record books. That was just weird. The commercials were pretty good, although no real standouts this year. My all-time favorite is still probably the DARTH VADER KID COMMERCIAL

This year, I liked the screaming goat Doritos commercial, and the Bud Light lucky chair Stevie Wonder/Zoe Saldana one. And the Jeep/Soldiers Coming Home ad put tears in my eyes. But I guess the best one had to be the CLYDESDALE Budweiser ad By the way, you can see all of the ads and vote on your favorites HERE.

And that’s it for Superbowl XLVII.

And now for this week’s tech report … shipped me a new Nook to replace my frozen one, and my Kindle continues to limp along. However, my microwave decided to burn up (or something) on Friday. I never realized how dependent I am on that thing until I didn’t have it this weekend. I had to heat my salsa con queso on the stove!! Oh, the humanity! LOL

Back to my writing stuff … I’m taking a survey of my readers. I posted it on Facebook yesterday, but for the rest of you … what are your favorite paranormal romance/urban fantasy book covers? Just leave it in the comments below, and thanks!

Hmmm, I think that’s it. I still need to write that big fight/battle scene tonight, so I better get started.

Have a good week, and I’ll be back here next Sunday!


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