Yes! In July! We had the CHAT IN CHOPIN’S CAFE a couple weeks ago, and this week there’s a new interview and giveaway at DAWN and WINNIE BOOK REVIEWS! The interview will go up on July 10th, and it includes a brand new snippet from LUCAS, my new favorite cutie. Plus a giveaway of, what else, my books! Dawn and Winnie have also posted a review of my Werewolf novella, HEART OF THE WOLF! I love that story. I especially love Ren (heh, heh.)
On the Cyn/Raphael e-novella front, my publisher has confirmed an August release! I just need a title. I’m so very bad at titles. ::sigh:: But I’m working on it.
I’m also working on something brand new that I’m really excited about! It’s still in the very early stages, but if it works out as I hope, I think it will be good. I’ll enjoy it anyway. It remains to be seen if anyone else will! But no hints yet. It’s still too early.
Other than writing, the week was kinda messed up. We had a new roof put on our house, and it was way more disruptive than I expected! The first day, it sounded like they were going to come through the ceiling! Really noisy. And since, my DH and I are both night owls, we decamped to the local hotel to get some sleep. We ended up staying there until last night, and while I appreciated not cooking/cleaning for a few days, I really missed my BED! And my BIG CHAIR! And my OWN SHOWER! I was so happy to get home last night, and it was my most productive night in the whole week! I am SUCH a nester. I like my own things around me.
So, no movies this week. Honestly, I’m not that interested in the new Spiderman, though I’m VERY interested in The Dark Knight Rises! I’ll definitely be seeing that one. I’m only sorry it won’t be out in time to be my birthday movie. The cads. On the small screen, the roofers had to move my satellite dish (of course) and I was a bit worried about missing the few shows I watch, which all seem to air on Sunday night. But they put it back before they left on Saturday, so True Blood, Longmire and Falling Skies were all properly recorded. Do I have my priorities straight or what? LOL
And speaking of True Blood, this week wasn’t as boring as last week. The “who’s killing the shifters” angle is sort of interesting. I still don’t care about Terry and his Ifrit. Honestly, I think the Terry from the books is more interesting. But I did enjoy seeing an almost naked Alcide, and it was pretty damn funny when Sookie barfed on his shoes. Although I’m sure it didn’t do much for Alcide’s … ego. And Eric’s line was funny. But then Eric usually has the best lines in the show. And may I say, if they would talk less and do more, Russell would already be dead. But then Russell’s one of the best things about the series, so I can’t really complain. LOL Also, I wonder if the TV show is going to follow the books about who killed Sookie/Jason’s parents, and if the fairies are intentionally misleading Jason, since we all know fairies hate vampires.
Hmmm, okay, back to working on my new (secret) project! Be sure and stop by DAWN and WINNIE BOOK REVIEWS beginning this Tuesday, for the new interview and giveaway. And I’ll see you back here next Sunday.