So, there I was writing happily away and … poof! … half the year’s gone. I’ve got one more deadline—self-imposed this time—and then I’m grabbing my DH and going on a spa vacation!!
Other than researching and writing a new story idea, I haven’t done much this past week. No progress on the to-do list, at least none worth reporting. I have read a few books. I’ll get to those later this week. No movies. I’m much more excited about Batman Rises than a remake of Spiderman. I like Emma Stone, but Andrew Garfield doesn’t do much for me. Although the SNL skit with Emma Stone and Andy Samberg dropping in upside down was pretty funny. Especially when he finds out Garfield is British. Spiderman is British!! LOL
Oh, boo. I’ve got Buffy on (sound down) and it’s the ep where Spike’s holding Willow and Xander prisoner, and Oz and Cordelia arrive to save them and find Willow and Xander kissing. Booooo. I don’t care about Cordelia, but, oh no, OZ!! Bummer. Still trying to figure out why I’m supposed to care about ANYONE on this season’s TRUE BLOOD. Who are these people?? And what’s Sookie’s cousin Hadley doing in freaky fairyland? Granted freaky fairyland is better than everyone-in-their-pajamas fairyland, but isn’t Hadley a vampire? Last time we saw her, she was hanging around the Queen of Louisiana. And now she’s a refugee in freaky fairyland? And what is that place anyway? And what’s with Sookie TELLING Alcide he’s madly in love with her, and Alcide just goes along with it? Yesterday he was all pissed off because she killed Debbie, and now he’s sucking faces with her? WTF? Personally, I’m with Lafayette and Tara on this one. Death follows Sookie around, except it hits the person closest to her, not Sookie. And speaking of Tara, why the hell couldn’t Pam leave well enough alone? Crispy Tara had such a nice ring to it. And Lafayette is …what? Possessed or something? That guy can’t get a break.
Good news this week on another front … two of my favorite groups released new albums! Linkin Park and Maroon 5. Could they be more different? But I have diverse tastes in music, so I’m happy … and, of course, playing the new music over and over and over and over … you get the picture.
Okay. Going to get some work done. I’m hoping to have something to report soon, but, at this point, any news is dependent on someone else, not me! 🙂
Happy Canada Day (a day late) to my northern friends. And Happy 4th of July to all of us in the U.S.
I’ll be back here next week. Hope you will, too.

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