Hmm, yeah. That “to-do” list doesn’t look too terrified. 😀 I did manage to check off a couple of things, though. Bought some new tires for my SUV–big improvement (big price tag, too. ::sigh::) And, drum roll please, I cleaned out my purse! Well, it’s not really my purse. It’s more of a giant tote bag I carry out the door with me, and then usually leave in the car. You know, just in case aliens land, or the big earthquake hits, or someone needs a flashlight or a first aid kit, or any variety of medicines and/or metal tools (which are all stored in a separate zipper bag, for ease of packing to go on an airplane. I was SO upset to lose my very favorite and longtime purse-sized scissors to airport check-in several years back. I really think if they’re going to take things away, they should provide little Fed-Ex or Priority Mail self-sealing boxes, so passengers can send things to themselves! They could probably make money on the deal! Harumph.) Anyway, I’ve got this giant (very fashionable) tote bag with every possible thing in it that ends up sitting in my car/truck, while I take my much smaller purse/wallet with me into the store or whatever. But then when I come back, I end up dropping various bits of paperwork/receipts, spare change, used shopping lists, into the tote. Plus all the shopping coupons I keep in there just in case I end up at the right store … well, you get the picture. It gets heavier and heavier, messier and messier … until finally I reach the relevant line-item on my “to-do” list and I clear it all out. Phew!
So that’s done. One down and an “oh-my” number of things to go. Makes me long for a book to write so I have an excuse to ignore the damn to-do list!
But my darling LUCAS is now in the hands of others. I can only hope they’re treating him gently. He’s tough, but with a vulnerable heart inside that manly chest.
And speaking of manly chests, I’ve been haunting the image libraries again, searching for the perfect Lucas. And I actually think I may have found him, too. Kind of surprised me. Now for Kathryn. A woman with a gun. A little bit harder to find.
And my nights are being spent with Cyn and Raphael once again, working on their e-novella. That’s going fast and smoothly. (Yeah, I know, “fast” isn’t an adverb, but nothing else worked, it’s called poetic license! 😀 ) Cyn is tormenting Raphael, Raphael is remembering fondly his days of singlehood, and they’re as madly in love as ever!
Big Screen … didn’t see any movies last week, but I’m going to see Snow White and the Huntsman this week. I’ve heard great things about it, about Charlize Theron and the visual effects mostly, although there’ve been no complaints about the hunky Chris Hemsworth, except maybe his uncertain Scottish accent. And friends tell me the movie’s worth seeing despite Kristen Stewart’s, um, acting?
Small Screen … Game of Thrones Season Finale … meh. SPOILERS! I was confused by the swordfight between Jon Snow and Qhorin Halfhand. Really confused. And no matter how many times I played it, I couldn’t understand Halfhand’s last words. But I got the gist of it, so I guess it’s okay. Seems a long way to go, but okay. I am SO bummed that Jaqen H’gha (Arya’s super cool assassin friend) is gone. Don’t like his new face even half as well! And Sansa is an idiot. Why the hell didn’t she accept the Hound’s offer to get out of Dodge? Has she learned nothing? There is NO honor in Kings Landing as long as the Lannisters are in charge. And then there’s Brienne (the giant, blond female warrior) who kills THREE STARK MEN! To protect Jaime effing Lannister. That woman’s priorities are all screwed up. Does she really think she can waltz into Kings Landing and exchange Jaime for Arya and Sansa? Does it not occur to her that they’ll take Jaime and then hand her her head? But the best part by far of the whole finale was Danerys going to reclaim her dragons and seeing Drogo and their baby! OMG I had tears in my eyes; I admit it. And then when the warlocks thought to chain her (standing UP no less,) and her dragon babies said, “I don’t THINK so.” That was good. Lots of other (sometimes frustrating) stuff, but no edge of your seat cliffhanger. Enough that I went back and checked to be sure this was the finale. Huh.
Smallest Screen … we’ve got books. Lots and lots of books. Some disappointing, some good. I’ll probably wait to update ’til next week, ’til I have more titles to post.
Oh, and the Brenda Novak auction is over for the year. Can you say “I spent too much money?” I always bid assuming I’m going to lose, and then when I don’t … Yikes. But it’s all for a good cause, so I won’t complain … too loudly. LOL
Okay, back to Cyn and Raphael. I have to finish these revisions and get this off to my publisher, so that all of YOU can read it this summer.
See you next week …