Yep, I’m off to the RWA National Convention this week (that’s the Romance Writers of America, btw.) It’s my first national RWA con, and I’m excited about meeting several on-line friends in person at last. Plus, all sorts of interesting workshops and meetings. And I’ll be taking my camera, so … pictures!!
Most of the conference is for attendees only, but on Wednesday, July 25, there’s the big “Readers for Life” Literacy Autographing, with 400 authors, including yours truly. It’s open to public, and there’s no admission fee, but there are no outside books allowed. It’s a fundraising event, with all sales proceeds going to several organizations promoting literacy. Numbered among the 400 authors participating will be …
Nalini Singh (one of my personal favorite authors)
Nora Roberts (it doesn’t get much better than that!)
Sylvia Day
Victoria Alexander
Robyn Carr
Brenda Jackson
Christine Dodd
Jayne Ann Krentz
Stephanie Laurens
And me! I’ll be at Table #905, along with several hundred other writers. I mean, they won’t all be at table #905, but they will be in the ballroom with me! LOL
So, if you’re in the vicinity, stop by and say “Hi!” Here are the details:
July 25, 2012, 5:00 — 8:00 p.m. PST
Anaheim Convention Center
Ballroom, 3rd Floor
In other (very exciting!) news, I’ll probably have a cover for the Cyn/Raphael e-novella to show you for next Sunday’s blog post. Plus, I’ve completed the revisions and sent them back, and the e-novella release is looking good for mid-August! The story will be in e-format only, through Amazon’s Kindle store and the ImaJinn Books website ( Once we have the first four e-novellas, we’ll offer a print omnibus, but until then, it’s e-format only.
And now for my weekly (almost) TV report … SPOILERS FOLLOW!! … First up, TRUE BLOOD, and I have only one thing to say … WTF? Okay, I lied. I have more to say than that, but it all follows that theme! First, we discovered that Tara can’t dance. I disagree with Pam. She’s a better BARTENDER!!! And then somehow Russell Edgington went from being trapped in a silver net to being the new, um, Guardian? Is that what he is? I actually played those scenes back, because I couldn’t figure out how that happened. Did I miss some pithy dialogue somewhere? And then half-naked Alcide (always a good thing) spoils the perfection of his sweaty physique with a pitiful doo-rag that for some reason has to hang halfway down his forehead. Looked ridiculous. And, boy, did he move on quickly from Sookie to his new honey bunny … or wolfie, whatever!! And why was Jason bringing Sookie breakfast (or lunch, same thing) in bed? She looked perfectly fine when they left the fairy bar, so why is she now an invalid? Makes no sense. And let’s not forget Sam rolling around on the floor, sniffing out bad guys. Or the poor little white girl who can’t sing warbling out “You Light Up My Life” (my ears are still bleeding) and making cow eyes at her boyfriend(?), and suddenly the bar’s invaded by vamps drunk on vamp blood (huh?) who then proceed to kill everyone in the place. And yet, amazingly, the cops never show up. Reminded me of Sunnydale for a minute. (Geek moment – that was a Buffy reference.) And Lafayette with his mouth sewn shut, which by the way I’ve seen too much of lately. There was an episode of Waking the Dead, which I recently watched on DVD, in which someone sewed up his own lips as part of a starvation protest. Gross. Now, I know those of us who read the books have a different take on the TV show, but … I repeat, WTF?
Let’s see, what else did I watch? I’m totally hooked on LONGMIRE on A&E. Love that show. There are only two episodes left and already I miss it!! Although I take comfort in knowing it was renewed for another season. Not much comfort, but some. And my new DVD obsession is THE CLOSER And then there’s FALLING SKIES. I’m totally creeped out by the alien giant spider things scritching their way through metal doors. Gives me the shivers. And I admit, I got a little teary-eyed when Ben left, though I’m sure we’ll see more of him. I have a feeling Charleston (or is it Charlotteville?) is going to be a disappointment, though.
Books! I have so many to review. I’ll try to get to those this week. Though, I’m not sure how much free time the conference will leave me.
I want to thank everyone who wished me a Happy Birthday! And I’m glad you all liked your prezzie!!
Okay, I really have to get some more writing done on my new project, plus some other stuff that MUST BE DONE before I go off to the Con. So, I’ll see you all here next week, hopefully with a cover shot of the new Cyn/Raphael e-novella!