I wish I had a picture to share, but I’m still searching for my perfect GABRIEL. The good news is that my wonderful editor, Brenda Chin, has read the manuscript and thinks you all are going to love it. (Whew!) It’s always a bit terrifying the first time someone ELSE reads one of my stories. I loved GABRIEL and loved writing his and Hana’s story (with a lot of Raphael thrown in) so I was very happy to hear good things from Brenda. I’m now doing a few minor revisions, and correcting those odd words that somehow appear in every manuscript, and then it will go back to my publisher to move through the process of becoming a book. Yay! And hopefully, I’ll find the right image before the cover people start sending me impatient emails. Yikes.

As I reported a couple weeks ago, the wonderful techs at WPDude, who do such a great job maintaining the technical aspects of my site, have made all the persnickety changes required to put my security certificate into effect. You will now notice when you visit this site that its web address is green and secure. Score one for the good guys. Although, I’ll note again that this site doesn’t gather any personal information, anyway.

Last week was Psychic Week. I bet you didn’t know that. But to celebrate, ImaJinn has RAJMUND’s e-book on sale for only $1.99. So, if you know anyone who’s just starting or still catching up to the series, this is a good time to pick up Book Three!

But what about SHIFTER PLANET 2, you ask? Well, I’ve made great progress on the tweaks, and will finish as soon as I complete the revisions on GABRIEL.

And did I mention that I moved back home last week? Yes! It’s soooooo good to be home. There was some noise the first few days, since they were laying tile in the guest bath, and every time they put down a tile, they whack it (gently) with a rubber mallet. I’m pretty sure that’s what they were doing anyway. But, I’m told the noisy part is done, and pretty much everything should be finished by next week. On the first phase. Then comes the second phase. ::sigh:: More paint colors for me to pick out. I boxed up all the little sample cans from this first phase and I had like 18 different colors! And I still haven’t picked the colors for the guest bath. More samples, please. And I’ve discovered it’s more work to unpack all those boxes than it was to pack, because the drawers aren’t the same! Especially in the bathroom. The books are easy, though. Just put ’em back on the shelf. 🙂

And for those of you who’ve been asking … CHRISTIAN’s audio book is underway. It usually takes 2-3 months to get a book narrated and proofed, but Nick J. Russo has begun working his magic on it, and I’ll keep you informed as it progresses.

Okay, back to work on GABRIEL.

Have a wonderful last week of summer … kids go back to school this week in my neighborhood.


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