Yes, my Facebook Messenger was hacked. This is one of those times when it’s lucky I stay up all night, because I was awake when the fake message came through. For the record, I would never send a mass message to my entire list. Bleah.

But that was only one day. I spent the rest of the week getting ready for my trip to the Northeast–visiting the dentist (ick) getting my hair done (yay!) pedicure (double yay!) checking the weather forecast (yuck.)

But most of the week was spent deep in the cave, working on edits for SHIFTER PLANET 2 and writing DRAGAN. I’m so excited about both of those books. Still trying to come up with a title for SP2–I sent four possibilities to my editor. We’ll see which one they pick. As for DRAGAN, the gang’s all getting ready for the big fight, leading up to Nick’s book and the final showdown, of course. I’ve got his story all plotted out, too.

And don’t forget the Amazon AU LACHLAN special. The e-book is only 1.49 AUD.

And now it’s back to the cave, to get some work done before I take off. In the meantime, have a wonderful week!


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