We barely made it this week! My site got a bad update and I wasn’t sure I’d be able to blog on schedule. But my tech guy came through and here we are.
First up this week is some news. Untitled #9 is untitled no longer. Book #9, which will star Cyn and Raphael, will be titled DECEPTION. This is the first book of a new story arc which focuses on the coming war between the North American vampires and the invading European vampires. There will be new characters introduced and new romances with both new and old characters, but the eight vampire lords we’ve come to know and love (and their mates)—hmmm, well you don’t know Vincent and Lana yet, but you will soon. Anyway, our favorite eight will feature prominently, so a new title sequence for a new story arc.
In more news on the series, the art department is hard at work on covers for UNFORGIVEN and VINCENT, and I can hardly wait, especially for VINCENT!
Also, while waiting for my website to come back up, I updated my GoodReads Challenge, and I’m now 5 books ahead of schedule! I’ve posted reviews for some of them, so you can check those out too. It was easy to make progress with all the new books coming out this month, many by some of my favorite authors. Right now I’m reading Downfall, Rob Thurman’s newest Cal and Niko Leandros book. As always, I’m loving it, but I’m getting a little worried about the guys and Robin Goodfellow, too!
We’re getting close to the end of summer. Kids are back in school this week and there’s not much on TV. LONGMIRE had a rather shocking, but excellent, finale. THE STRAIN is continuing and still creepy, getting sort of frightening as one imagines how impossible it would be to stop a contagion like this in real life. And I’ve become sort of addicted to shows like FORENSIC FILES and HUNTED. They’re good distractions while I torture myself on the damn elliptical, and it’s intriguing and honestly appalling at the things people will do to each other.
I’m going back to Cyn and Raphael and DECEPTION now. Got a deadline, gotta get the story written, because I’ll have to cut away for revisions on UNFORGIVEN and VINCENT soon. Not long now!
Note that the Rafflecopter is still live for the RAPHAEL audio books giveaway. About three days left, so make sure you get your entry in.
I’ll see you back here next week!