Sorry about missing my usual Sunday night posting. But remember how this week was going to be the one where I relaxed after sending DUNCAN off to my publisher? Maybe accomplish a few of the many things on my to-do list?
Well, my darling husband (DH) went into the hospital on Wednesday, completely unexpected. I’ve spent the last 5-6 days at the hospital with him, except for a brief visit home each day to shower/change/bring in the mail. Very little sleep in a chair by his bed, lots of stress.
But GOOD NEWS! Today he’s home again, back to our own bed, our own house, our own space. I was so happy I could have cried. In fact, I think I did. Hospitals are necessary, they do a lot of good, but there’s nothing like home to make you feel better. And my DH is better, too. Not fully happy or himself, yet, but getting there.
I did manage to do some work in the middle of the night while I sat awake, unable to sleep. I worked on LUCAS’s outline and sketched out the new Vampire Vignette. I haven’t looked at those notes, yet, so I can’t say if they make any sense. I was awfully tired, and by last night, my brain simply refused to function. But tonight I shall sleep well and tomorrow that to-do list is still waiting for me!
I might have an interview up on Black Nailed Reviews this week. It’s scheduled, but I’m not sure it’s going to show up. I’m checking and I’ll let you know when I know.
In the meantime, hope this week is way less exciting than last week. And I hope the same for you all, unless the excitement is the fun kind! See you next week!