And it’s HOT! I remember the first time my darling husband showed me this house. It was July and my first thought was … but it’s so hot! LOL We’d lived in Malibu where it’s almost always cool, even when it’s sunny, and okay, so this lovely canyon is mostly cool, but all of the places I need to go to shop, etc. are HOT. Yeah, yeah, I know. Stop complaining. But summer just isn’t my season!
But not to worry, the winter holidays will be here before you know it! 4 months! Better start shopping now! Mwahahahahaha!
Okay, on to GIVEAWAYS!! There’s a brand new giveaway going this week over at BITTEN BY PARANORMAL ROMANCE This Tuesday, SEPTEMBER 11th, there will be a new review of BETRAYED, plus a giveaway of the novella. And rumor has it the review will be a good one. There are more giveaways to come, and for LUCAS there will be even more, so stay tuned.
On to the big screen … I finally saw The Dark Knight Rises this week! Great movie. Not as good as The Avengers, but still … great movie. Christian Bale is not my favorite actor, but I have to admit he makes a good Batman.
I’m still working hard, working on a new idea, plus I’ve started outlining the next VAMPIRES novel, annnnd the next Cynthia & Raphael e-novella, too. But, of course, if I’m alive, I’m reading, and this week one of the books I finished reading was ARCHANGEL’S STORM, the latest Guild Hunter novel by the wonderful Nalini Singh. Even if I didn’t love Jason—an angel who’s one of the Archangel Raphael’s Seven and whom the story is about—I’d love the book, because Singh’s writing is a joy to read. Next up is EXPOSED by Alex Kava, which involves biological terrorism. Yikes.
On the small screen, I’m waiting along with everyone else for the new seasons to begin. Although, I did have the pleasure of a new STRIKE BACK with my favorite special ops guys. I love that show!
Okay, it’s back to work for me. Have a great week, and don’t forget to stop in at BITTEN BY PARANORMAL ROMANCE to check out the review of BETRAYED and to maybe win a copy of your very own!

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