It’s too early to move into the cave, but let’s just say I’m camping on the threshold. Book #9 is progressing really well, moving fast. Now if only I had a title. I’ve selected and discarded a few, leaving me back with Untitled #9. Let’s hope I come up with something before I’ve finished writing. How do you feel about Untitled #9 as a title? 😀
Raphael - 600x900x300I’m hearing nothing but good things from readers who’ve listened to RAPHAEL on Audible so I’m excited to let you know that JABRIL is in production, with Traci Odom as narrator again. It takes time to put it all together, but I’ll let you know as soon as it’s available.

cursedwolf slayer
In the meantime if you’re looking for a great new series, CURSED by the talented Angela Addams goes on sale tomorrow, JULY 29. You can pre-order it now and be ready to go. It’s the first story in Addams’s The Order of the Wolf, which are all terrific tales of werewolves and rock & roll, two of my favorite things all rolled into one! The second story of the series, WOLF SLAYER will be out in October 2014, and you can pre-order that as well. These two titles are novellas. The third title will be a full-length novel.

No new movies this week, just a couple of old ones. But my sister’s back from vacation and I’m hoping I can persuade her to see HERCULES with me … or maybe LUCY. Or maybe both! On the small screen, I’m really enjoying THE STRAIN, creepy and very well done. SPOILERS! The very idea of curly little worms slithering into bodies and turning them into vampire-like things with huge, long tongues. Yeech! I knew those Nazis were up to something! I’ve also become somewhat addicted to FORENSIC FILES on CNN/HLN. They’ve become my go-to programs to watch while exercising. First, because there are so many of them, but also because I’m a geek. Although it is troubling how many different ways people find to kill/maim each other, and for such petty reasons!

Also on the small screen and always running when I’m working is, of course, BUFFY. The most amazing thing is that I still occasionally see scenes I’ve never noticed before. Must be because most of the times it was running, I was looking at my computer screen. 🙂

I’ve also added a few books to my 2014 READING CHALLENGE and, in fact, I’m a few books ahead of schedule for a change! Woohoo! Little victories, people, little victories!

Okay, back to the campfire in front of the cave. Untitled #9, i.e., Cyn & Raphael, are calling.

Have a great week!


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