Hundreds of you voted, and the results are in. By a super narrow margin—53% to 47%—the survey says …. Juro and Ken’ichi Meet Raphael! I’m excited to write this story. I’ve had the details in my head for what seems like forever!

For those of you who still haven’t caught up with my Stone Warriors, there’s a sale going on! The first book in the series, The Stone Warriors:DAMIAN is part of an international promotion on Amazon, Apple, Google and Kobo. Damian’s e-book is just £0.99 in the United Kingdom, $0.99 in Canada and Australia, respectively, and ₹65.00 in India. In the U.S., the sale price is just $US 2.49. This is a LIMITED TIME promotion that will run only until August 17, 2017, so get it NOW!

But that’s not all. My publisher is running a super cool giveaway of these coasters to promote The Stone Warriors:KATO. The coasters are a set of four, made of stone (naturally) and featuring quotes from the book. I love them! That giveaway runs until August 17, 2017, and you can ENTER IT HERE!

If you don’t win that giveaway, don’t despair. I’ll be holding my own KATO coaster giveaway in the near future.

And finally … my darling husband lost his entire extended family to the ovens of Treblinka, my father was awarded a purple heart for the wounds he suffered in a war where millions died to defeat Naziism. I cannot be silent in the face of anti-Semitism, racism, and hatred. The confederacy is by definition anti-American, racism and bigotry of any kind are morally indefensible. A young woman died this weekend because she dared to protest hatred. My heart goes out to her family, to the families of the two Virginia state troopers killed in the helicopter crash, and to the good people of Virginia and Charlottesville. But being of good heart isn’t enough. We have to speak out. Trae Crowder said it better than I ever could. Your Silence is Your Complicity.

All right. I’m going to wipe away my tears now, and go back to work.

Love will conquer hate. I believe it.


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