I’m over at PARANORMAL HAVEN all day today answering questions. Or, I will be once we here on the West Coast (PST) wake up to a new Monday morning. Steph and Athenna of the Haven are in California, too, so we’re a little beyond y’all. There’s a review of SOPHIA, a new interview with yours truly that includes hints for future books, and a book giveaway, so come on by and say Hi.

SOPHIA is kicking a$$ and taking names! She’s even giving RAPHAEL a run for his money and the big guy is NOT pleased! He’s slightly mollified by the knowledge that it’s his wonderful presence driving some of SOPHIA’s sales, however. You may have noticed the vamp’s got a healthy ego. Shocking, but true.

SOPHIA’s now available on Amazon in both Kindle and print format, and on in print only. My publisher is working on getting our books into Nook format, but we’re not there yet. I’m expecting to come on line by the middle of the week, though. They’re usually a week behind Amazon and BN. So, hopefully in a couple of days, I’ll be able to give you the Fictionwise buy link.

I’m also throwing a release party for SOPHIA at Bitten by Books on Friday, April 29st. Another interview, another super giveaway, but I’ll be posting details about that in a couple days.

I’ve recovered from RT at last. What a great party that was … the whole four days. Crazy and exhausting, but one of the best conferences I’ve ever attended. And that means I’m back working on DUNCAN and NO! You can all stop asking! I’m NOT giving any hints. I’m playing this one very close to the vest, as they say. Although I will torment you by saying Duncan is even more wonderful than you know. 😀

I want to thank all of my wonderful readers who’ve e-mailed me and blogged and posted on FB and Amazon about how much they love SOPHIA! You’ve spread the word about my vamps and put them on so many lists. You all are the greatest readers in the world and I appreciate every one of you. I literally couldn’t do this without you.

Okay, I’ve made myself all weepy and happy now. So it’s time to go work on Duncan some more! Yippee!

I’ll see you all soon with more details of parties and promos.


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