I’d like to say I’ve been busy all week working on DUNCAN, but alas, most of my time has been spent setting up promo events, writing guest blogs and answering interview questions. It takes more hours than you might think. Although I did manage to spend some quality time with Duncan … and Lucas, too. Scenes for Lucas are beginning to pop into my head at odd times. Believe it or not, that’s actually a good sign.
But not to worry, Duncan and I will be spending all of our time together from here on out. Are you jealous? You should be. (heh, heh)
But back to promos, first up … On TUESDAY this week is a brand new interview and book giveaway with Annette over at RomFan Reviews. Drop by, read the interview, ask a question or leave a comment, and you could win a signed copy of either RAJMUND or SOPHIA.
Annette also posted a review of SOPHIA this past week, so check it out.
I have a couple of other things scheduled for later in the week, but I’m confirming the dates before listing them here. I’ll let you know here and on Facebook. You can find me on Facebook by following the tab above or simply searching for D. B. Reynolds. I love new friends.
In other (not good) news, it’s hard to believe, but SOPHIA has yet to appear on Fictionwise. They changed their update schedule sometime in the past year. It’s a bit odd and unpredictable, but I have hopes they’ll include SOPHIA soon. I hate that my Fictionwise readers are having to wait so long. I can tell you for sure the book was uploaded to them at the same time as it was Amazon, which was weeks ago.
SOPHIA has been getting great reviews, though! I’m so grateful to all the readers who have contacted me, letting me know how much they love the story. And, so far, review bloggers like it, too. All that love makes the hard work worthwhile. It also makes the writer very, very happy. (And a happy writer is a productive writer ::cough, Duncan, cough::)
Okay. I’ve spent the evening writing guest blogs, so I’m going to take my last hour tonight (or rather this morning) and spend it alone with Duncan. Me and Duncan. Alone. Just us. In the (mostly) dark. 😀
See you later this week with more promo news.