I’m posting a little late this week, because I was in Reno, NV at the 2018 RT Booklovers Conference. This is me before the crowds were let in! Big surprise on the first day was the announcement that this would be the LAST RT Conference, followed hard by the announcement that Jo Carol, who’s been the Convention Coordinator ever since I’ve been involved with RT, is doing a reincarnation of sorts, beginning next year with a Booklovers Con in New Orleans. I’m not sure if I’ll be there yet. I’m still working on THIS year. But you can check out the con at the link.
Back to THIS year’s con! The main reason I go to these cons is to meet my readers, and this year was no exception! Here’s just a few pictures … the ones I remembered to get. My readers are so wonderful and so enthusiastic. You make me want to rush home and write some more!
Other memories … the monkey over my bed. Don’t ask. I have no idea why someone thought it was a good decor choice. Chocolate cake and Diet Coke for breakfast … which we all know IS a good idea.
And finally, driving home with California’s snow-capped mountains (in May!) beautiful lakes, and even a rainbow (which you can barely see in that picture, but it had the full spectrum of color.)
Now it’s back to GABRIEL (Stone Warriors #3.) I’ll see you all in Denver in July, and right back here next week!