Yes, I’ve spent most of my week doing LACHLAN revisions. When I wasn’t planning my 2019 travel, that is. These days you have to book your flights months ahead of time, if you want to get what you need. And then there’s the hotels. Registration for RWA in New York, July 24-27, opened this past week, and there’s always a rush to get registered. Not so much for the registration itself, but to secure a room at the conference hotel. It always ends up with an overflow hotel, but it’s more convenient to be in the conference hotel. Cooler, too, since July in New York is a sauna!

I’m also lucky enough to have friends and family within travel distance of New York, and we’re making plans!

With future flights/hotels handled, though, I’m back with LACHLAN, making his story the best it can be for my readers. Sometimes I forget that not everyone is in my head (which is a good thing for all of us – lol.) But I forget to write down the important stuff going on in my head, mostly having to do with important stuff going on in my characters’ heads. This is usually info my readers also need to know, of course. But my brilliant editor catches those lapses, and I fix them.

I did manage to unpack a few boxes in my spare time (ha!) I look forward to the day when my house is box-free and I can find my flatware again. lol

In the meantime, there’s my Valentines giveaway. The entries are piling up, so don’t forget to get yours in before the deadline. I’m giving away the chance to name a character in my next Vampires in America book, which will be Book #14 (14!) I don’t have a name yet, and it won’t be out until next year, but I’ll start writing it later this year, so this is the perfect time to create a character. The giveaway does NOT include the right to name any of the main characters, or the book itself, but your character will be more than just a walk-on, which means you’ll have dialogue. The character can be human or vampire, winner’s choice. The winner will also be mentioned in the book’s Acknowledgments, and will receive a signed, print copy of the book. MAKE SURE TO FOLLOW THE ENTRY RULES EXACTLY, or I won’t find your entry.


1. Send an email to with VALENTINE 2019 on the subject line.
2. Return email address MUST BE A VALID EMAIL ADDRESS.
3. Include your first and last name in the body of the email.
4. All entries must be received by midnight, February 10, 2019.
5. One winner will be selected at random from among the entries received by the deadline.
6. The winner surrenders all rights to the character they submit, both financial and literary.
7. The winner will be notified by return email and will have five (5) days to respond, after which a new winner will be chosen.
8. One (1) entry per person. All duplicate entries will be deleted.

There’s no need to describe your character now or when you enter. If you win, I’ll let you know everything I need to know about your character, with plenty of time to respond.

And that’s it! I figure only people who love my Vampires will want to have themselves (or someone they love or simply make up) in the books. And don’t forget … follow the entry rules exactly!

And now it’s back to LACHLAN. I haven’t done much else this last week. I haven’t even watched the 300th episode of SUPERNATURAL yet, though I did DVR it, of course. I have a long queue of movies I want to see, and, of course, there’s the elusive flatware. But that will all have to wait for LACHLAN.

Hope you’re all having a wonderful week, staying warm and dry. It seems we’re all getting a real winter this year. Lots of rain here in So. Cal., and my friends in the entire northern half of the country are getting way, way too much snow.

See you next week. Have a very Happy Valentine’s Day with the one you love!

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