RAPHAEL’s going to Italy (literally) and … a LACHLAN snippet

Yep, I’m thrilled to announce that RAPHAEL’s being translated into Italian! How cool is that? He’ll have a new Italian cover and everything. I’ll post the new cover when I get it. The translation will initially be available in ebook only, and if RAPHAEL does well, we’ll try JABRIL next. Yay!

No final cover for LACHLAN yet, so I give you Dunnottar Castle on the North Sea, which is where the Scottish Crown Jewels were hidden from Oliver Cromwell’s Invading Army in the 17th Century. I saw those crown jewels (the Honours of Scotland) along with the Stone of Scone in Edinburgh Castle. I’d read so much about the Stone in both fiction and history that I stood there studying every inch of it, while everyone else admired the beautiful jewels. Geek. Anyway, since you can’t yet see LACHLAN’s beautiful cover, I’m sharing a snippet of the moment Lachlan and his Julia first meet. Note that this snippet has not yet completed the full editorial process, and so may change in the released edition of LACHLAN. Enjoy.

“Julia, this is my cousin Lachlan McRae. Lachlan, Julia Harper. We went to school together,” she repeated. “Julia, me, and Cynthia.”

Lachlan leaned across the table to shake, careful of the woman’s slender hand as he wrapped his thick fingers around hers. A tingling heat warmed his palm when their hands touched, and his eyes shot up to meet hers, seeing her pupils widened in surprise as if she’d felt the same heat. She managed to confine her reaction to her eyes, keeping the rest of her face coolly polite, which was fine with him. Keeping his tone the same, he said, “Ms. Harper.”

“Julia,” she supplied, as she slid her fingers out of his grasp.

Lachlan’s own distrustful nature had him following her hand, and so he noted the quick glance she gave her palm, as if seeking a logical reason for that moment of sizzling heat. When she caught him watching, she brushed invisible crumbs from her skirt instead. He bared his teeth and met her gaze. Nice legs beneath that skirt, he thought intentionally, letting the appreciation show in his eyes.

Catriona slapped his arm. “Be nice,” she hissed under her breath, then smiled for the blonde’s sake and indicated a chair between them. “Have a seat, cuz.”

I did say it was only a snippet. 😀

In other news, my CHRISTIAN Audio giveaway is ending, but there’s still a little time to enter. One (1) winner will receive both the Audiobook and the print book of CHRISTIAN, while two (2) additional winners will receive the CHRISTIAN audiobook. Be sure to follow the rules when you enter …

1. Send an email to dbreynoldswriter@gmail.com with CHRISTIAN AUDIO on the subject line.
2. Return email address MUST BE A VALID EMAIL ADDRESS.
3. Include your first and last name in the body of the email.
4. All entries must be received by midnight, March 19, 2019.
5. One (1) winner will be selected at random from among the entries received by the deadline, to receive both the Audiobook and the print book of CHRISTIAN.
6. Two (2) additional winners will be selected at random from among the entries received by the dead, to receive the CHRISTIAN audiobook.
7. The winners will be notified by return email and will have five (5) days to respond, after which a new winner will be chosen.
8. One (1) entry per person. All duplicate entries will be deleted.

And now, I’m happy to say, I’m going back to DRAGAN! Yes! He might be my most challenging hero yet, but I’m looking forward to writing his story for him.

Hope you all had a Happy St. Patrick’s Day. I’ll see you next week, hopefully (hopefully) with some cover news. Hopefully. lol


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