Raj AudibleRAJMUND is now available on Audible. You can find him on AMAZON or AUDIBLE.com. Next up … SOPHIA!Deception Place HolderBig news on DECEPTION this week, too. The cover reveal is this Friday, February 20! Yay! I can hardly wait. And then starting at midnight tonight, my publisher is running a DECEPTION giveaway on GoodReads. They’re giving away five (5) print copies of DECEPTION. The giveaway opens at midnight tonight and runs through March 26, and it’s open to U.S. readers only.

But don’t worry if you’re not U.S. I have several blog stops planned for the DECEPTION release, and my giveaways will all be international!

Coyote Those of you who’ve been following this blog for a while know that coyotes frequently serenade me as I’m working late at night. But I heard an entirely different sound the other night. It was after midnight, and I was taking a cricket out to the garden. We get the occasional cricket in the house here, and being a superstitious sort, I have a capture and release policy. 🙂 Anyway, so I’m outside and I hear this noise, like when kids used to pin playing cards to their bike spokes. I look over the gate, and I see coyotes racing down the middle of my street. And the noise is their claws on the pavement. It was so weird, because I couldn’t figure out what they were racing toward. They weren’t yipping or making any noise. Just the clicking sound of their feet on the street. It spooked me more than any of their usual cries, which are pretty damn creepy.

Not even creepy coyotes can keep me from working, though. I might have hustled back into my house a little faster than usual, but then I went back to my laptop, clicked Buffy back into play on the TV, and spent the rest of the night with a certain sexy French vampire. Which is what I’ll be doing the rest of tonight, too.

Have a great week, be sure to sign up for the Giveaway, and don’t forget to check out the DECEPTION cover this Friday.


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